You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6791

So far, the barrage of three or two kittens exploded.

After listening for so long, I finally heard the smell

[if I understand correctly, that is to say, the guest of our Yao goddess live studio today is a disc receiver?]

[the words upstairs should be extended to "the most unlucky dish receiver", who not only receives dishes for people, but also is stigmatized as a mother Fetish by green tea bitches. He doesn't know his mother clearly. It's too vicious!]

[I know that! I watched the whole process in Lin Jiajia's live studio. At that time, I applauded Lin Jiajia and called her a fair and outspoken nvxia. How much I hated Fu chenjie at first, how much I hate Lin Jiajia now. Please read to me downstairs: Lin Jiajia stinks!]

[Lin Jiajia stinks!]

[Lin Jiajia stinks!]

[Lin Jiajia stinks!]

[I think we'd better calm down. We shouldn't listen to Fu chenjie's one-sided words and be careful of being beaten in the face.]

[agree upstairs! In the morning, Lin Jiajia broadcasted the chief lawyer of Gu's group. In the evening, Gu Zhaoyao attacked Lin Jiajia. This is an obvious act of revenge. Standing in line blindly may contribute to online violence.]

"Cyber violence?" seeing these four words, Fu chenjie smiled sadly, "cyber violence... Will Lin Jiajia still be afraid of cyber violence? If she was afraid of cyber violence, she wouldn't have taken Yao Fang to our house to broadcast live."

"My mother has been honest all her life and innocent all her life. She hasn't done a bad thing. Just because of her live broadcast, my mother was pointed out when she went out. Even if she had a full mouth, she couldn't defend herself. Did my mother die? No, no! My mother was forced to die and was killed by Lin Jiajia!"

His eyes suddenly looked at the camera, blood red in his eyes and filled with hate: "Lin Jiajia, are you watching? If you are watching, you must remember me. My mother was killed by you and Yao Fang. People are doing it, and heaven is watching. You have a wolf heart and a dog's lung, a snake and a scorpion's heart, and killed my mother. The net of heaven is magnificent and the retribution is bad. Sooner or later, you will die!"

He looks ordinary, but he has simple and honest eyebrows and facial features, but at the moment, his eyes are scarlet and his deep hatred makes his originally beautiful and simple facial features ferocious.

Lin Jiajia was so frightened by his hatred and vicious curse that he didn't dare to watch any more. He shook his hands and withdrew from the live broadcast.

Fu chenjie's mother died?

When did you die?

She doesn't know.

Since her debut, she has made thousands of long and short live broadcasts.

She remembered Fu chenjie.

It was the live broadcast of Fu chenjie that made her famous in the circle. She rose hundreds of thousands of fans in a few days and took the first step of becoming popular.

However, after the live broadcast, she no longer paid attention to Fu chenjie.

For her, Fu chenjie is an ordinary person who is a man of two worlds with her.

She helped Yao Fang solve the divorce and get the inheritance right of her son. While she helped Yao Fang, she became famous and benefited. For her, the matter of Fu chenjie has come to a successful end.

Fu chenjie's future life has nothing to do with her.

She never paid attention to the follow-up.

After the live broadcast, she and Yao fang had a relationship for some time, but soon, they became estranged and lost contact., the fastest update of the webnovel!