You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6790

He clenched his fists, forced himself to look at the camera and said in a trembling voice, "suddenly one day, my wife said, I'm Ma Baonan. I obeyed my mother's orders and bullied her with my mother, which made her suffer all the grievances."

"She took Lin Jiajia to our house for live broadcasting. She lied that when she went back to her mother's house, I slept with my mother. She said that when I slept with her at night, my mother wouldn't let us lock the door. We often fell asleep, and my mother broke in."

"She also said that my mother instructed her to work and didn't let me do anything. She was pregnant and asked her to check. She said that if it was a girl, she would kill it and the boy would stay..."

As he spoke, Fu chenjie's eyes burst into tears, his fists clenched tightly, and his whole body trembled violently: "what she said is nothing, nothing is true!"

"I'm dull and can't make friends. I'm twenty-eight or nine years old and don't have a girlfriend. My mother is very worried. After I married Yao Fang, my mother was very happy. She was pregnant just after she married me. My mother listened to her and didn't let her do any work. My mother never bullied her."

"Although my father died a long time ago and my mother and I grew up, my mother is not the kind of possessive woman. She hopes I can be happy, never mixed with Yao Fang and me, and won't run into Yao Fang's room in the middle of the night."

"However, what Yao Fang said has a nose and eyes. Lin Jiajia testified to her in the live broadcast that what Yao Fang said is true. She asked someone to verify it. I'm Ma Baonan. Yao Fang didn't lie!"

"Yao Fang took Lin Jiajia live at my house for more than an hour. My mother was going to faint. They refused to go and forced me to sign the divorce agreement."

"Yao Fang is lazy. My son Guanren was brought up by my mother. My mother has deep feelings for Guanren. My mother said that divorce is OK, but the child should stay."

"Yao Fang refused. Yao Fang said that after she married me, she suffered a lot. Our mother and son ganged up to bully her. I have to compensate her. She doesn't want a house or deposit, just the custody of her son."

"I have a job and a fixed income. My house is my premarital property. I have a house. Yao Fang has no job, no house, no income and nothing. If I go to court, my son's custody must be mine. However, Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia partnership forced me to sign the divorce agreement and forced me to give up my son's custody."

He lowered his head and big tears fell: "I'm useless. I didn't fight them. I signed the divorce agreement and gave up my son's custody."

"After they left, my mother was angry, but this is not the most fatal. The most fatal thing is that our reputation stinks. When I go out with my mother, everyone looks at us with different eyes. Some people have broken their mouths, saying that the relationship between me and my mother is unclear, and saying that a man like me will be unlucky if he marries me."

"My mother couldn't hear others slander me, explain to others, quarreled and fainted."

"My mother was admitted to the hospital and had two operations. Her body was getting worse day by day. After a year, my mother died."

"After my mother died, I thought of my son. I spent a lot of money to find Yao Fang and my son."

As like as two peas, Yao Fang married and married a man who was very rich. My son changed his name to Fu Guanren, and not Miao Qichu, the most important thing was he was exactly the same as Yao Fang's later husband, Miao Shun Chan., the fastest update of the webnovel!