You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6788

Chen Qiuzhi is unwilling to leave like this.

She felt that since she could stop Guyan's car for the first time, she could stop Guyan's car for the second time.

As long as she keeps pestering Gu Yan, even if Gu Yan is impatient because she is pestered, it's better to pay attention to her.

In short, Gu Yan is her last hope, and she can't give up.

She waited outside the underground garage of Gu's group. Although she found a place where the sun could not be exposed, she waited from morning to night hungry and miserable to death.

She was spoiled as a child. How could she have suffered such hardships?

When she was a child, her parents raised her. After marriage, men raised her. Now her parents and men are dead, but she has a son with an annual salary of tens of millions. Her son can raise her!

As long as her son is willing to support her, she can still be a beautiful lady for the rest of her life!

With this belief, she endured the pain of hunger and lived like a year, guarding the way Gu Yan left the company.

Finally, in her eager hope, Gu Yan's car drove out of the underground parking lot.

She was excited and wanted to rush to stop. Li Chao and Du Ming suddenly came out and grabbed her arm.

"Ms. Chen, pay attention to safety!" Li Chao and Du Ming grabbed her arm from left to right and pressed her firmly in place.

"What are you doing? You let me go?" Chen Qiuzhi struggled desperately.

Li Chao said, "Ms. Chen, stopping a car is a very dangerous behavior. As your bodyguard, we must ensure your safety!"

Chen Qiuzhi, a woman who pretends to be weak every day, can't beat the strength of two elite bodyguards?

She was held in place by Li Chao and Du Ming. She couldn't move. She watched Gu Yan's car drive past her and gradually go away.

Seeing Gu Yan's car completely disappear in her sight, she suddenly understood that Gu Yan did not find her two bodyguards, but two monitors.

With these two people, she won't want to get closer to Gu Yan in the future.

She broke down, threw off the shackles of Li Chao and Du Ming and beat them hard, "why? Why do you help him bully me? I'm his biological mother! I'm a lonely woman, helpless and have no skills. I'm so poor. Why don't you help him or me?"

Seeing Gu Yan's car gone away, Li Chao and Du Ming stopped talking to her, were not interested in answering her why, and hid away again.

When Gu Zhaoyao left, he told them that Chen Qiuzhi's death was all right, not counting their work mistakes, but we must ensure that Chen Qiuzhi can't get close to Gu Yan in the future.

Therefore, their real task is not to protect Chen Qiuzhi, but to look at Chen Qiuzhi and let Chen Qiuzhi have no chance to disturb Gu banquet.

As for other things, it has nothing to do with them. They are not interested.

Chen Qiuzhi completely lost all hope, fell to the ground and cried.

Some passers-by would look at her curiously, but no one stopped for her, and no one asked her why she sat here crying.

It was getting dark and there were fewer and fewer people near the entrance of the underground garage.

Chen Qiuzhi was cold and hungry. Her hungry stomach convulsed. She couldn't stand it anymore. She staggered to her feet and left.

Back to the basement where she rented, she found a cold steamed bread and swallowed it with boiled water. Unconsciously, tears flowed all over her face.

She didn't understand why she came to such a miserable end.

Obviously, she has been chasing happiness all her life, racking her brains to plan for herself, hoping to get better.

But why, after so long calculation, did she not live as well as most people in the world?, the fastest update of the webnovel!