You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6781

She covered her chest and cried with trembling: "son, you... After your stepfather left, I was homeless, alone and always harassed by no three or four men... I can't let them insult me... I'm a woman alone. If no one protects me, I'd rather die than be humiliated..."

She covered her chest and cried out of breath. "Son, mom knows that mom is sorry for you. Mom doesn't dare ask you to support me. Just ask you to give me a shelter and give me some shelter. After all, I'm your biological mother. If I'm ruined by bad guys, I'll pollute your reputation, right?"

Gu Yan slightly hooked his mouth and sneered, "if you were such an easily satisfied person, you wouldn't roll all the money at home and leave with your Lanyan confidant while my grandmother was seriously ill and I was young."

"Grandma died suddenly because she had no money to cure her illness. You killed the best person in the world and the enemy of my grandmother. If I forgive you, how can my grandmother rest in peace?"

"You can't forgive me," Chen Qiuzhi cried. "Son, my mother never begged you to forgive me. Just look at me as your biological mother. I gave you a life and a shelter. Don't let anyone insult me. I'm satisfied."

Emotionally, Gu Yan didn't want to agree and didn't want to have any trouble with Chen Qiuzhi.

But reason told him that he must agree.

Because this is the world. No matter what Chen Qiuzhi did to him, Chen Qiuzhi is his biological mother. He was born by Chen Qiuzhi. This is a fact.

Chen Qiuzhi puts his attitude so low. If he doesn't agree, many people will scold him for being ruthless, selfish and cold-blooded.

He doesn't care if he is scolded.

But he can't hurt the company's image.

This is the entrance to the underground garage of Gu's group. He is a lawyer of Gu's group. If he acts willfully and acts according to his own mind and destroys the image of Gu's group, he can't forgive himself.

But let him support Chen Qiuzhi, he would not die.

Isn't Chen Qiuzhi just asking someone to protect him from being defiled?


He made her!

I hope she won't regret her decision today in the future.

"I can promise you," Gu Yan looked at Chen Qiuzhi coldly and said, "but I want to make sure that as long as I protect you from being bullied and defiled, even if I repay your kindness, you won't pester me again?"

Hearing Gu Yan's relief, Chen Qiuzhi was overjoyed and nodded with tears. "Yes, son, mom doesn't ask for anything else, just ask you to protect mom from being bullied. Mom is satisfied!"

Of course, this is absolutely impossible.

She is dodder flower and has been raised by others all her life.

Now she is old and in poor health. Her husband is bankrupt and her son goes abroad to avoid debts. She is left alone, has nothing and lives on the streets. It is absolutely impossible for her to work and support herself.

When she was desperate, she thought of Gu Yan.

She has long known that Gu Yan has become the chief lawyer of Gu's group. She is rich, powerful and famous, and has the intention to repair the relationship with Gu Yan.

But Gu Yan refused to recognize her.

In the past, Gu Yan refused to recognize her. Although she was very sorry, she didn't have to recognize Gu Yan's mother and son., the fastest update of the webnovel!