You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6780

She never expected that the story between Chen Qiuzhi and Gu Yan was so tortuous.

Gu Yan's father was killed by Chen Qiuzhi's Lanyan confidant.

Gu Yan's biological father died and LAN Yan, who killed Gu Yan's father, was in prison. Chen Qiuzhi was angry with her mother-in-law, abandoned her son and married another LAN Yan confidant.

This article, no matter which one she agrees with, will make her bad reputation!

Being an anchor, the most important thing is fame and popularity.

Her reputation was ruined, and she was boycotted by netizens. Everything she came to today will be destroyed.

She panicked and explained eagerly: "I did investigate, but I was cheated..."

"How many people have you investigated? Who cheated?" Gu Yan took out his mobile phone: "please say your name. They spread rumors and slander me. I'll call the police and sue them for slander."

Lin Jiajia was tongue tied and couldn't say a word.

Gu Yan smiled, "didn't you just listen to one side of Chen Qiuzhi's words, come to my work place to make trouble, and broadcast it live to guide public opinion and discredit my reputation?"

"No, I don't!" Lin Jiajia urgently argued: "live broadcasting is the most open and transparent way. True is true and false is false. If you are innocent, my live broadcasting will prove your innocence. I mean well."

"Good intention?" Gu Yan laughed. "Without my consent, I was forced to disclose the pain I was most reluctant to face in front of millions of netizens. You said to me, is it good intention?"

Gu Yan stared into her eyes and said slowly, "before you released this kindness to me, did you ever think that you would let me expose the most painful privacy in my heart to hundreds of millions of people, make countless people who know me or don't know me comment, uncover the scars on my heart and destroy my peaceful life?

[the barrister is right. Not everyone wants to expose his privacy to others. It's too much for Lin Jiajia to broadcast live at others without the permission of the barrister!]

Lin Jiajia really wants to be red and crazy

[Lin Jiajia has always created the image of kindness and integrity, fearing power and daring to tell the truth, but today I found that her so-called kindness and integrity is to climb up by stepping on other people's scars and blood and tears.]

Lin Jiajia hardly dared to look at the barrage.

The more you look, the more you panic.

Mingming is her live studio. Most of them are her fans, but few people can speak for her.

Most people are questioning her.

A few people said they were wrong and wanted to take off the powder.

There are very few people scolding her.

Her hands trembled as she held her cell phone in panic. Finally, she realized that she thought she wanted to make a big hit live, which might destroy all her previous efforts and achievements.

She shook her voice and asked Chen Qiuzhi, "Aunt Chen, don't you have anything to say? Didn't you say that you loved your son very much and that it was a last resort not to raise your son in those years?"

Now, she can only count on Chen Qiuzhi to break the news and reverse her decline.

She and Chen Qiuzhi are in the same camp.

As long as Chen Qiuzhi can let netizens forgive her, sympathize with her and stand on her side, netizens can understand her and stand on her side.

Chen Qiuzhi, with her head down, looked up at Gu Yan.

She must have been a stunning beauty when she was young. Although she is old now, she has tears rolling on her face and a sad look. She is still graceful: "son, mom knows that mom has hurt your heart. No matter how you blame me or me, I don't complain. I just ask you to give me a shelter...", the fastest update of the webnovel!