You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6765

"I'm sorry!" Su ran blushed. "When I saw him, my heart beat very fast. I don't know what to say... Mom, why did you marry my father?"

"Your father is shameless," Guan Yue said with a smile. "Your father is much thicker skinned than you. He sends me flowers every day and invites me to dinner, shopping and movies."

"This is not the main reason?" Su ran said. "It must be because you like my father. If someone who doesn't like you chases you every day, you must be bored to death."

Guan Yue thought for a moment and nodded: "yes, your father looked good when he was young, especially good-looking."

She smiled and touched her daughter's face. "Your father has this merit. It benefits his children and grandchildren. You and your brother follow him, one by one."

Su ran: "... Mom, I didn't expect you to be so superficial when you were young. You are a face watcher."

"Of course," Guan Yue said, "girls love beauty. How many young girls are not Yan dogs and don't look at their faces?"

She looked at her daughter's teasing smile, "don't you look at your face? Isn't Xie Jinfei good-looking."

Su ran blushed. "He's good-looking! But there are many good-looking men, but I only have feelings for him... Just like Su Qi is good-looking, but I don't like him now."

"But you used to like it," Guan Yue smiled at her. "You like to run after your brother since you were a child. Don't you think your brother is very good-looking?"

"No!" Su ran didn't admit, "I liked him when I was a child because he was from our own family, not because he was good-looking."

Guan Yue rubbed her head with a smile. "What are you excited about playing with you?"

"I'm not excited," Su ran said snuggling in her arms. "I like Xie Ershao, not only because he looks good, but also because his temperament is very similar to the type I like! Clean and warm, heavy emotion, righteousness and responsibility."

"Yo, after seeing him so twice, we can see that he has a responsibility for love and righteousness?" Guan Yue smiled at her.

"Mom -" Su ran defiantly spoiled: "you laugh at me!"

"No," Guan Yue stroked her hair and said, "it's very good. Mom has inquired about it. Whether it's Xie's family or Gu's family, the family style is excellent. The people who take care of the family and Xie's family have no character. If you really have fate with Xie er, mom is happy for you."

Su ran was nervous and shy, "I'm just worried that I don't deserve him."

"No, our family has a good personality, talent, and a sense of propriety. It deserves anyone in the world," Guan Yue said with a smile. "As long as Xie Ershao likes your type, he will like you! But... Do you know something?"

Guan Yue looked at her and said, "Xie Ershao was married before. He has an ex-wife, the miss of the Secretary's family."

Su ran nodded, "I know."

"Do you mind?" Guan Yue said, "if you have an ex-wife, you will have the past. There will be more trifles and troubles."

"Don't mind," Su ran shook his head. "If I like him and a person, I have to accept everything about him, including his past. Mom, are you right?"

"It makes sense, but not all right," Guan Yue said. "Ran Ran, although Xie Ershao's conditions are very good, my mother doesn't want you to enter the marriage blindly. If you and Xie Ershao have fate and really make friends, my mother hopes you can fall in love for a year or two and get married again.", the fastest update of the webnovel!