You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6764

The most important thing is that gaomen marry a daughter and bow their head to marry a daughter-in-law.

The woman is strong and the man is weak. The man is easy to be laughed at and eat soft food.

The man is strong and the woman is a little weak. As long as it's not too bad, others will take it for granted.

Her daughter would be a little worse off than Xie Jinfei if she didn't have the shares of Su group.

With shares, her daughter will raise her value. As long as Xie Jinfei likes her daughter, her identity is not a problem.

"Mom, I don't want your shares," Su ran said. "According to the rules handed down by our ancestors, aren't your shares given to our son? Your shares are from Su Qi, I don't want them."

"Why not?" Guan Yue said, "the rules are not the law. You can break them if you want. The shares are mine. I can give them to whoever I want."

She pinched Su Ran's nose: "I'm willing to give my shares to my baby daughter. No one wants to stop me!"

"Mom - you're so kind to me!" Su ran leaned into her arms. "Aren't you afraid of Su Qi making trouble with you?"

"Your brother did well this time," Guan Yue opened her eyes and lied. "He felt very sorry for what happened in the forest. I said I gave you my shares as an apology to you. He agreed happily and said that he knew he was wrong and would correct his mistakes in the future. He was good to you."

"I don't believe it," Su ran said. "Mom, you lied to me!"

"How can this lie?" Guan Yue said with a smile, "if your brother doesn't agree, isn't it already noisy? Didn't he say anything? It can be seen that he agrees."

Su ran was speechless.

Su Qi didn't make trouble and promised her mother to transfer her shares. She was very surprised.

Su Qi's male chauvinism, which has been handed down in one continuous line with her grandfather and her father, feels that family property should be the son's business, just like her grandfather and her father.

The shares in her mother's name are converted into money, not a small amount.

It's incredible that Su Qi could agree with her mother to transfer the shares to her.

"Ran Ran," said Guan Yue, stroking her hair, "I'm also responsible for your brother's affairs. I don't teach my son. It's the fault of my parents. He's indifferent to his family and bad for your sister. I didn't educate him well. You should bear more."

"If you don't want to call him brother now, don't call him. Look at his future performance. If he performs well in the future, he can satisfy you. You can recognize him again."

"Mom..." Su ran buried his face in her arms and hugged her waist, "I'm worrying you..."

She has a bad relationship with Su Qi. The most sad person must be her mother.

When parents want to see their children have a close relationship and love each other.

She and Su Qi have become like this. Her father... Well, her father values boys over girls. Whether she has a good relationship with Su Qi or not, her father probably doesn't care much. It's her mother who is sad.

Her mother is the best for her.

Although she hated Su Qi, in order not to make her mother sad, she decided to be a little friendly to Su Qi in the future.

It's just that it's impossible to bury the hatchet.

She won't quarrel with him and just ignore him.

"Mom, I saw Xie Jinfei in the hospital today." I didn't want to mention these bad things anymore. She changed the topic. "I'm timid and didn't dare to talk to him."

Guan Yue: "... Look at your promise!"

She smiled angrily and nodded her daughter's forehead: "people are deliberately trying to create opportunities to meet people they like. It's good for you. You don't say hello when you meet them.", the fastest update of the webnovel!