You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6760

"Have you thought about my feelings?" Su Qi was very excited. "It is a convention that shares are my son's! The shares under your name should be mine. You gave my things to Su ran. Have you considered my feelings?"

Guan Yue looked at him for a moment and said slowly, "ah Qi, does what you said look like a little story that has spread widely?"

"When a person is not married, he will give alms to a beggar every day. After he gets married, he will no longer give alms to the beggar. The beggar asked him, how can you use my money to support your son and daughter?"

"How can it be the same?" Su Qi said, "I'm your son. The law stipulates that I have the right to inherit."

Guan Yue said, "Ran Ran Ran is my daughter. According to the law, Ran Ran Ran also has the right to inherit."

Su Qi was angry: "however, according to the rule handed down by our ancestors, the family property is inherited by our son."

Guan Yue said lightly, "the old ancestors still have rules. Brothers and sisters are respectful, brothers and sisters are friendly, and eldest brothers are like fathers. They have the responsibility to take care of their brothers and sisters. What did you do?"

Sue opened her mouth and couldn't make a sound.

So, is this his own pot?

Because he was not good to Su ran, his mother loved Su ran and worried that Su ran didn't rely on him, so he took pains to find another dependence for Su ran.

So he had the idea of giving Su ran the shares.

But I'm really not reconciled

"Mom, I know I'm wrong," he said bitterly, looking at Guan Yue. "I wanted to be wrong before. Now I want to understand. In the future, I will be good to Yueyue and be a good brother."

"It's too late," Guan Yue said faintly, "facts speak louder than words. You can leave Ran Ran now and in the future. Ran Ran, like you, is my flesh and blood. I can't bet on Ran Ran Ran's happiness and whether you have a conscience."

"What about me?" Su Qi asked bitterly, "Mom, the heirs of others can get all the shares, but I can only get some. It is known that others will laugh at me, so you only love Ranran, don't you love me?"

"Ah Qi, have you ever thought about whether you would regret if Ran Ran could really marry into Xie's family?" Guan Yue didn't answer the question.

Su Qi was stunned and replied, "Mom, it doesn't matter who ran ran married. I really know I was wrong. I used to be too selfish and narrow. Now I wake up. I will be good to Ran Ran Ran in the future. I swear."

"Ah Qi, you may not think about the future relationship between you and ran ran, but as a mother, I have to think," Guan Yue looked at him seriously and said: "I only have two children, you and ran ran. I hope you can rely on each other and support each other. But obviously, Ran Ran is broken by you. I think when she gets married, and your father and I are a hundred years later, she may break off the relationship with you and won't look at you again."

Su Qi bowed his head. "Mom, you and dad are still young and in good health. With you and Dad, give me time and I will let Ranran forgive me."

"Ran Ran won't," Guan Yue said. "My own daughter, I know. She is honest, but she is also stubborn. She knows the right way. If she goes up, she won't look back."

"You broke her heart. She won't let you close to her and give you the chance to hurt her again. She will resist you, alienate you and won't accept you again."

Su Qi said, "Mom, you can help me persuade her. She will listen to you...", the fastest update of the webnovel!