You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6759

Seeing that she was so happy, Su Yuanzhi asked, "what did you talk about with Dad, so happy?"

Guan Yue smiled and looked at Su ran, holding her hand: "I've discussed with your grandfather that I'll transfer 15% of my shares to you."

"What?" Su Yuanzhi was stunned.

Su Qi was also stunned.

He... Did he hear right?

The shares in his mother's name will be given to Su ran?

For what?

He is the only male of the Su family and the only heir!

According to the customs of the capital, the family property is owned by sons and grandchildren.

When daughters and granddaughters are married, they can give some dowries such as cash and real estate. If they are favored, they may get share dividends.

I've never heard of a daughter who can get shares in the company.

It's a fundamental thing to shake the family to distribute the shares of the company to the married daughter. Is his grandfather confused?

To make such an absurd decision.

When he recovered, he said firmly, "I don't agree!"

Su Yuanzhi also said unhappily, "Yueyue, you have a fever? What nonsense? How can your shares be given to Ranran?"

Shares are the foundation of the family. No matter how much you hurt your daughter, there must be a limit.

He turned a blind eye to the house and shops. After all, Guan Yue has money and strong character. He said too much, and the husband and wife must quarrel.

But how can shares be freely given?

The water spilled by the married daughter.

Shares can only be owned by the descendants of the Su family, and must not be given to outsiders!

Guan Yue looked back at old man Su: "Dad, you and Yuanzhi explain."

She looked at Su Qi again and said, "ah Qi, come with me to the study."

"Mom," Su ran called her, "I don't want shares."

She can make money herself. There's no need to get involved with the Su family.

Guan Yue said, "leave it alone and talk to your mother later."

She took sue to the study.

Closing the door, Su Qi almost yelled to Guan Yue, "Mom, I know you have a preference for Ran Ran, but you can't do this to me! Few families in the capital are willing to give their shares to their daughter, and their son inherits the family property. It's customary. Mom, you are so partial to Su ran. Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

"This is my decision after careful consideration," Guan Yue sat down behind her desk, looked at him and said faintly, "ah Qi, originally, I also wanted to act according to the Convention and didn't want to give ran ran my shares. You forced me to make this decision."

Su Qi's face was livid. "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Guan Yue said slowly, "ah Qi, your grandfather and your father all value men over women. Therefore, imperceptibly, you are also affected. You treat Ran Ran Ran as an outsider and water that will be poured out one day. However, for me, Ran Ran Ran is not an outsider“

"In my mind, Ran Ran, like you, is the meat falling from the tip of my heart. Your position in my mind is the same. There is no priority."

"I'm not worried about your future. Sooner or later, the shares under your grandfather and your father's name will be yours. The whole Su family will be yours in the future, but I'm worried about your sister."

"If you have a deep relationship with Ranran and have a deep brother and sister relationship, I won't think so much. However, you don't like her, and I have to make plans for her future."

"Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to give Ranran my shares and let Ranran have more money."

"Having money may not solve all the problems, but at least having money will reduce my troubles and have more sense of security. After a hundred years, even if I know that no one will protect her after I leave, I can be more stable in my heart.", the fastest update of the webnovel!