You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6757

Ninety nine percent of the world's problems can be solved with money.

She transferred 15% of her shares to her daughter. As long as the Su group does not fall down, her daughter will have money.

After her daughter married, no matter who married, as long as her daughter owned 15% of the shares of Su group, her daughter's mother-in-law's family did not dare to look down on her daughter and treat her daughter wrong.

As for who her daughter will marry in the future... The Xie family is a matter of eight characters. She vowed that her daughter had the opportunity to marry the Xie family, but it was just to coax old man su.

Mr. Su prefers boys to girls. If he doesn't use this reason, Mr. Su won't agree to let her transfer her shares to her daughter.

Take out the shield of the Xie family... She thinks that old man Su is likely to agree.

She knows old Sue too well.

Mr. Su is the most traditional kind of man. He values men over women and especially wants face.

Face is bigger than heaven.

He hates people calling the Su family a nouveau riche. He dreams of changing the Su family.

If her daughter can marry into the Xie family, the status of the Su family in the capital will immediately rise, and it will not be far from changing the family.

I have to say, she is very accurate.

Mr. Su was really excited.

His heart beat faster: "can ran really marry the second young master of the Xie family?"

If he could be an in laws with old Xie, he would not waste his life!

You know, no matter how rich the Su family was, they were just businessmen in ancient times.

Thank you, in ancient times, that was the imperial court!

In ancient times, he would kowtow when he saw Mr. Xie!

The lintels of the Su family and the Xie family are almost eighteen thousand miles away.

In fact, the Su family is not so bad. After all, modern is not ancient, and the class is not so strict.

But Mr. Su is such a person, full of old ideas.

Guan Yue knew his smelly problems, so he took his mind so accurately.

She nodded without hesitation: "as long as we increase the chips for Ran Ran, there is a great possibility! Ran Ran has both talent and appearance. Dad, you read countless people. Have you seen several better than Ran Ran?"

Father Su's heart beat faster.

His daughter-in-law is right.

His granddaughter's appearance is definitely top in the capital. He has never seen anything better than his granddaughter.

Talent, not to mention.

His granddaughter published a book when she was seventeen.

Before the age of 20, he became a best-selling writer and his name was on the Forbes wealth list of writers.

Even if he felt that it was a loss to raise a girl, he felt that his granddaughter was not raised in vain, especially giving him a long face.

It is said that girls love beauty, but this man doesn't also like good-looking ones?

His granddaughter's appearance was not to be chosen. He had no chance to marry into gaomen before, and he had no chance to know people of that class.

Now, by chance, his daughter met the second young master of the Xie family.

His daughter is attracted to the Xie family again.

Women chasing men, spacer yarn.

Maybe it can be done!

The more he thought, the more excited he was, and his face turned red.

He made a good calculation, nodded and said, "if this can be done, it's not impossible to give your shares to Ranran..."

He, his son and Su Qi, together, have a total of 52% of the shares of Su's group and have an absolute controlling stake in Su's group.

Guan Yue's 15% stake does not play a decisive role in Su's group., the fastest update of the webnovel!