You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6756

The Guan family is self-restraint. They don't say they don't look down on the upstart Su family. They just say that the two families are not from the same world. They are worried that Guan Yue and Su Yuanzhi don't have a common language.

His son worked hard to win Guan Yue over. He gritted his teeth and gave Guan Yue 15% of his shares. Only then did he impress Guan Yue's parents and let Guan Yue's parents agree to marry into the Su family.

When he gave Guan Yue shares, it was very painful.

But at that time, he thought that he could not bear the child and the wolf.

Moreover, he made an agreement with Guan Yue that the shares can be given to her and Su Yuanzhi's son, but if she and Su Yuanzhi divorce, the Su family can compensate for money, but the shares must not be taken away.

Guan Yue agreed and did justice.

In this way, the 15% stake is only a guarantee for Guan Yue. Sooner or later, it will be his descendants of the Su family, and the Su family has no loss.

But now, Guan Yue even said that she would transfer 15% of her shares to Su ran.

How does that work?

Su Ran is a girl.

To get married!

If you marry someone, your shares will belong to someone else's family, which will shake the foundation of the Su family.

"No, absolutely not!" old man Su shook his head like a rattle.

"Dad, don't rush to refuse. Listen to me first," Guan Yue said. "I think Ran Ran likes old Xie's grandson."

"Who?" master Su was stunned.

"Old Xie's grandson," said Guan Yue, "Xie Jinfei, now the head of Xie's group."

"The head of Xie's group?" Mr. Su was surprised: "Ran Ran? Like the head of Xie's group? How is this possible? They are people from two worlds!"

"It's true!" Guan Yue explained the reasons for the intersection between Su ran and Xie Jinfei. "I think the young lady of the family is also interested in Ran Ran Ran. We ran Ran Ran are beautiful, good-natured and talented. At a young age, we are the top writer on the Forbes writers list, and Xie Jinfei... To say a bad word, he divorced..."

"Of course, it's not a big problem for men, but after all, it's a second marriage. Some noble families still have concerns."

"Moreover, as the saying goes, if gaomen marries a daughter and bows his head to marry a daughter-in-law, as long as we help Ranran, Ranran may not have the possibility of marrying Xie's family."

Mr. Su's face was uncertain: "what you said was to help Ran Ran Ran, that is, to transfer 15% of your shares to Ran Ran Ran's name?"

"That's right," Guan Yue said frankly, "compared with family background, our daughter is not worthy of Xie Jinfei, but even some daughters of gaomen family may not have shares in the company. If we can own 15% of the shares of Su group, we will increase Ran Ran's value. Xie family... At least Xie Laozi will look up at Ran Ran."

This matter was a decision she made after long and careful consideration.

In the past, she felt that her daughter was married and her son could be her patron.

But now

She can't count on it.

When her daughter gets married and she dies, her daughter becomes Lingding.

It's good that the husband's family is reliable. If the husband's family is unreliable, her daughter will be bullied.

Just think about it. After a hundred years, her daughter will be lonely and have no one to rely on. She will be anxious.

After thinking about it, she came up with the idea., the fastest update of the webnovel!