You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6727

She cried and walked to the foot of Guan Yue. "I'm sorry, aunt, I'm wrong. It's all my fault. I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me. This time, I have no home or relatives. You and your uncle are my relatives. If you drive me away, I have nowhere to go!"

"I don't have relatives like you," Guan Yue said coldly. "I eat and drink mine, but hurt my daughter. I encourage my son to leave my injured daughter in the wilderness! I have a dog and know to take care of my house. Raising you will only bite me back. If you want to face, you should move out of here by yourself. Don't force me to let someone throw you out!"

"No, aunt, you can't say that about me..." Xia Yan cried and shook his head. "There are so many orphans in the world. Why did my uncle adopt me? Isn't it because my uncle and my father are best friends? My uncle promised my father that he would take good care of me. You can't break your promise!"

Guan Yue looked coldly at Su Yuanzhi: "your commitment, you solve it yourself."

Su Yuanzhi coughed and frowned at Xia Yan: "Yan Yan, it's not your uncle who said you. How can you lie and cheat ah Qi? It's clearly recorded in the video that you fell down and Ran Ran Ran kindly helped you. You pushed ran ran down. Not only did you not help Ran Ran Ran, but you also blamed Ran Ran and framed him. Ah Qi misunderstood Ran Ran Ran Ran. I'm just a son and a daughter. You instigated discord between my children. How can I help you?"

"Sorry... Sorry, uncle, I know I'm wrong..." Xia Yan cried heartbroken.

She was just... Just impulsive and couldn't control it.

It was clearly agreed that only she and Su Qi went to sketch, as a birthday gift from Su Qi, but Su ran had to go with her.

When Guan Yue spoke, Su Qi didn't dare to disobey. The originally agreed two person line became a three person line.

Knowing that Su ran had to go sketching with them, she was like burying a pile of explosives in her heart.

She likes Su Qi and wants to marry her, but Su Qi... She thinks Su Qi likes her too, but Su Qi is a very calm man.

He is not the kind of man who loves beauty but not rivers and mountains. On the contrary, he values his career more than love.

Therefore, Su Qi chose Wen Chang.

She is unwilling.

She felt that Su Qi loved Wen Chang more. She chose Wen Chang only because she valued Wen Chang's family background.

She loves Su Qi. She wants to marry Su Qi. She can only watch Su Qi marry Wen Chang when she is unwilling.

Therefore, she wants to make mature rice with Su Qi. It's best to be pregnant with Su Qi's children. The mother will marry Su Qi with her son's expensive.

However, there were too many people at home, and she didn't have a chance.

When she went out, she rarely had any personal contact with Su Qi, and she couldn't find any opportunities.

She whetted Su Qi to give her a birthday present, which she begged hard to get.

She begged several times before Su Qi promised to take her to sketch alone and accompany her alone.

She secretly rejoiced for a long time and thought her plan over and over in her mind.

She thinks very well. In the wilderness, there are few people. As long as she pretends to fall, falls into Su Qi's arms, and then pulls out a little, lonely men and women, dry firewood and fire. If something happens, let it go.

Therefore, she didn't even make an appointment with Su on her birthday, but during her ovulation.

Everything is ready. It's just a chance for her and Suqi to get along alone., the fastest update of the webnovel!