You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6726

The Su family is a nouveau riche, while the Guan family is a century old family with inside information.

The Guan family may not be as rich as the Su family, but many experts and scholars in the Guan family are highly respected and admired in the society.

The Guan family's cultural heritage is beyond the reach of the Su family.

The upstart like their su family lacks cultural heritage.

The Su family is rich, but if he divorces Guan Yue and wants to marry a woman like Guan Yue, it's impossible.

Is he going to give up Guan Yue and marry a young girl of eighteen or nine?

He will be laughed to death!

Moreover, Guan Yue grew up in a pile of books. She was full of bookish spirit. She wanted to have a look and temperament. Although she was in her early 40s, she could maintain it well. She looked like she was only in her thirties.

It is believed that she is an old leftover woman who has never been married.

Such an excellent woman can get out of the hall and into the kitchen. She can help him manage his home and talk about business. Why should he divorce such a good wife?


Xia Yan panicked when he shut up.

She rushed over, grabbed Su Yuanzhi's arm and cried, "uncle, please don't drive me away. I have no home and relatives. This is my home. You are my relatives. If you leave here, I will die."

Su Yuanzhi looked at Guan Yue in embarrassment.

Xia Yan looked incredible about Su Yuanzhi's performance.

In her mind, Su Yuanzhi is a male chauvinist man who doesn't like to be pressured by women.

But today, Su Yuanzhi seems to be completely suppressed by Guan Yue.

When Guan Yueyi said divorce, he dared not say a word.

How did this happen?

She doesn't understand that Guan Yue is not afraid of divorce. She is free and easy. In marriage, she can manage her marriage well.

If divorced, without drag, she can go sightseeing and travel around the world, so she can live a beautiful life.

Su Yuanzhi can't.

Guan Yue can have no husband, and Su Yuanzhi can't have no wife.

If he divorces Guan Yue, it's hard for him to find a good one like Guan Yue.

Not only that, although the Guan family's contacts are mainly in the academic circles, the Guan family has a deep foundation. The Su family has no deep foundation in the capital, and many things are protected by the Su family.

If his parents know that he wants to divorce Guan Yue because Xia Yan, his parents can break his legs!

Apart from these external conditions, there are feelings between him and Guan Yue.

After more than 20 years of husband and wife, they still have a son and a daughter. How can they have no feelings?

He thought that he and Guan Yue had a deep relationship. He loved Guan Yue deeply and Guan Yue also loved him deeply. Therefore, he was so shocked when Guan Yue filed for divorce.

Xia Yan's crying voice was hoarse. Su Yuanzhi kept avoiding her eyes and looked at Guan Yue.

Xia Yan's heart fell heavily.

She always thought that Su Yuan was male chauvinist and preferred boys to girls.

As long as she catches Su Yuanzhi's and Su Qi's heart, she can stand firm in the Su family.

Unexpectedly, when it came time to be serious, Su Yuanzhi was a paper tiger in front of Guan Yue.

Guan Yue wanted to drive her out, but Su Yuanzhi didn't dare to say a word.

In her mind, Su Yuanzhi, who is a male chauvinist, son preference and doesn't take his wife and daughter seriously, is such a man!

She... Looked out of sight.

But there's no way.

She didn't flatter Guan Yue, but Guan Yue hated her. No matter how she flattered Guan Yue, Guan Yue despised her.

She had no choice but to give up Guan Yue and try to brush the favor between Su Yuanzhi and Su Qi.

She thought an invincible position was for the men of Su family to has the final say. Su Yuanzhi and Su Qi's heart could be held firmly in an unassailable position.

But she was wrong.

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