You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6718

Netizens scolded him, just scolded him for not being a brother.

Xia Yan has more slot points.

A liar who lies without blinking.

An ungrateful white eyed wolf who bites his benefactor.

White lotus + green tea bitch.

In short, what ugly scold, scold Xia Yan bloody and flawless.

Seeing those posts scolding Xia Yan, he was burning with anxiety.

Xia Yan's mind is delicate and sensitive. If Xia Yan sees the comments on the Internet, he will not accept them.

So what the fuck are you still talking about here?

The urgent task is to let Su ran come forward to clarify and calm the storm on the Internet!

The more he thought, the more worried he was. He couldn't hold his breath. He coughed gently to attract his mother's attention and interrupt his mother's conversation between Heye Xingbei.

"Mom..." he looked at Guan Yue and said, "it's getting late. Should we take ran ran back? Ran Ran still has injuries on his ankles. We quickly take ran ran to the hospital. If we don't treat him in time, we won't have sequelae."

Guan Yue glanced at him and ignored him. When she looked at Ye Xing North again, she looked like a spring breeze. "It's really late today. Ran Ran has disturbed you for so long. I'm particularly sorry. We should go. When Ran Ran is well hurt, let Ran Ran invite you to our house. You must come!"

"Auntie is too polite," said Ye Xingbei with a smile. "There are so many of us. It's no different from Ran Ran Ran. Ran Ran Ran has a good character and can tell stories. Our children pestered her to tell stories for more than an hour. If I hadn't driven them to rest, they would still pester Ran Ran Ran now."

Su Ran is worthy of being the author of the demon hunter and the first gifted writer on the Forbes writers' wealth list. He has first-class storytelling skills, good voice and intonation. Several children are fascinated.

In particular, Qin Junye is most interested. After listening to a story about Su ran, he became a fan of Su ran in the blink of an eye. Surrounded by Su ran, sister Su is long and sister Su is short. His hospitality is not enough.

She also likes Su ran very much.

Su Ran is very clean. At first glance, he is a person who has no intention. He has a soft personality, but he is not circuitous or counselled. Although he speaks sweetly and soft, his tone is refreshing and looks easy to get along with.

Hearing Ye Xingbei praising her daughter, Guan Yue smiled more warmly and sincerely, and praised the family's children in return.

Especially just woke up, a nest in Gu Junzhu's arms, a nest in Xie Jinfei's arms of Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, she was about to boast about flowers.

She really likes it, too.

A woman of her age has no resistance to cute babies like Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie. She can't feel itchy when she sees them. She can't wait to take them home.

Hearing the two people talking again, Su Qi was really about to explode.

He couldn't help shouting again, "Mom!"

Guan Yue stared at him, said goodbye to Ye Xing, walked to Su ran and looked back at Su Qi: "what are you doing?"

Su was stunned and soon recovered. He went to Su ran and bent down, "I'll carry you."

Su ran looked at him and said to Guan Yue, "Mom, is Uncle Xu coming? Let Uncle Xu carry me."

Zhou Xu is Guan Yue's bodyguard.

"Ran ran..." Guan Yue's tone meant persuasion.

Su ran sipped his lips: "Mom, my injury is medicated. It doesn't hurt very much. You help me. I can go by myself."

Guan Yue was helpless, sighed and waved in the distance.

Zhou Xu ran over and, at the command of Guan Yue, carried Su ran on his back.

Su Ran's heart beat violently when he passed Xie Jinfei.

She suddenly felt strongly that if she didn't do something at the moment, she would regret it in the future.

She said to Zhou Xu, "Uncle Xu, please put me down first.", the fastest update of the webnovel!