You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6717

When snow Nuo and rain Nuo and several other children appeared, the live studio exploded directly. Many fans brushed. Did the mountain demon appear.

How else is it so beautiful?

Whether it's two little brothers or three children, it's hard to see.

The kind that can make a debut without makeup is beautiful!

I only hate that the Lord is a little far away. I can't hear what they say, but it's obvious that they are good people.

They helped Su ran.

Snow walked in front with Su ran on her back, and the up LORD followed far behind.

Follow to the camp, and the up master is found by the family's bodyguard.

The bodyguard said kindly that this is their private territory and refused to enter the mirror.

The up master knows at a glance that the other party is a powerful person. People have the right to privacy. No matter whether they have money or no money, if they don't let them shoot, she can't shoot.

She honestly turned off the live broadcast and confirmed that the other party was not a bad person. After su ran was safe, she left.

The absurd thing her son did was made known to the whole network because he happened to meet an up master live in the forest. Guan Yue also knew about it.

She has a slight opinion of the up master.

If the up Lord appeared in time, at least her daughter could suffer less.

But the up master chose to continue shooting in the dark and let her daughter stay where she was helpless. She didn't know when to wait for someone to save her.

Probably because of this, the up master never showed up.

I should be afraid of being scolded.

No matter how many reasons she had, she couldn't help being scolded.

Guan Yue endured her dissatisfaction with the up Lord and said to Ye Xingbei with a smile: "anyway, you and your family saved my daughter. I am very grateful. If you have a chance in the future, I will repay you and your family!"

"Auntie, it's very polite," Ye Xingbei glanced at Su ran. "Speaking of it, we still have some roots with Ran Ran Ran. Two artists under me have played the roles in Ran Ran Ran's book. It's also our fate to meet here today."

"Really?" Guan Yue chatted with Ye Xingbei along this topic.

She is a daughter carefully cultivated by the Guan family. When she goes out of the hall and into the kitchen, she can talk to people and ghosts. She is grateful to Ye Xingbei who saved her daughter. When she speaks, she deliberately takes care of Ye Xingbei's feelings. They have a good conversation.

Su Qi was listening to the explosion.

He doesn't understand. Why does his mother talk so much nonsense to irrelevant people?

It's urgent to take Su ran away and let Su ran make a statement to settle things on the Internet?

Since the hot search that scolded him was withdrawn, Xia Yan's post rushed to the hot search, the wind direction on the Internet suddenly changed.

He was scolded by brother slag before, but now Xia Yan is scolded everywhere.

Xia Yan has too many scolding points.

First, she lied.

She fell down by herself, but she lied that she was pushed down by Su ran.

Second, she pushed Su ran to the ground and hurt Su ran, but she climbed onto his back and walked with him.

Third, Xia Yan's identity as a sojourner in the Su family was clearly picked up.

In the post about Xia Yan's life experience, Xia Yan is a poor girl without father or mother.

She lived in Su's house because she had no one to depend on and nothing.

She ate and drank from the Su family. She should have been grateful to the Su family, but she turned out to bite the hand that feeds her and hurt Su ran., the fastest update of the webnovel!