You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6706

Su Qi could not erase his face: "Mom, I know I'm wronged by Ran Ran, but this is the only way I can think of to reverse public opinion. And... Wen Chang wants to terminate his engagement with me. Mom, you know, Wen Chang and Ran Ran Ran have a good relationship. Let Ran Ran and Wen Chang explain“

"Explain what?" Guan Yue asked him, "do you want your sister to splash dirty water on herself and wash white for you and Xia Yan? Su Qi, you let me down! As a man and brother, how can you say such a thing?"

Su Qi was anxious and helpless: "Mom, I don't want to do this, but now it's not just me and Yan Yan, but the interests of our company may also be implicated by me. Mom, even if you don't think about me, you should also think about the employees of the company. The company is unlucky. Can the employees of the company be better?"

"So, the solution you think of is to push your sister out to carry the pot and let your sister bear the curse for you?" Guan Yue was very cold: "Su Qi, netizens are also human. As long as you sincerely apologize to your sister, your sister will forgive you, and then you will appear in front of the public together, indicating that your brother and sister have let go of the past and made up as before, and netizens will not be reluctant."

"However, the way you want is not to resolve the contradiction, but to let Ran Ran carry the pot for you! You are a big man and don't want to be scolded. Is Ran Ran Ran willing to be scolded?"

"I......" Su Qi was speechless.

He scratched his hair hard and vomited: "I'm sorry. I want to make a mistake. Mom, I'm willing to apologize to Ran Ran Ran and ask for Ran Ran's forgiveness. Please come forward and clarify with me."

He thought it was a good idea.

If Su Ran is allowed to make up a lie and say that she has said something too much, there must be a cause and effect.

At that time, it will certainly lead to a lot of gossip about their su family. Things will get worse and worse, which is not good for him.

It's better to let his sister face the reporter with him, accept a formal interview, and show her deep brother sister love in front of the reporter.

Su ran worshipped him and his eyes lit up every time he saw him.

As long as Su ran shows his admiration in public, he will interact with Su ran gently and indulgently. I believe the storm will be resolved soon.

Whose brothers and sisters haven't had a quarrel yet?

After the quarrel, make up as before, brother, friend and sister Gong. What else can others scold?

On this thought, he thought his mother's idea was more reliable than his.

After all, Su ran may not be willing to let Su ran splash dirty water on herself, but Su ran must be very willing to let Su ran show their deep brother and sister feelings in public.

He knew that Su ran always wanted a brother like Su Feiyang.

Every time he saw Su ran looking at him with expectant eyes, he would scoff - Su ran wanted him to be su Feiyang. Is Su ran Su Feixi?

She's not!

Su Feixi is a genius who can provide the strongest assistance to Su Feiyang and help Su Feiyang become famous. What will su ran do?

She can't do anything except divide his father's love and mother's love and give him trouble!

If you let him make a list, Su Ran is definitely the most annoying person in his life.

But now, he has to rely on Su ran to clarify to netizens and restore public opinion. He dare not say anything and asked Guan Yue: "Mom, where is Ran Ran Ran now? I'll find her."

Guan Yue didn't answer his question, but asked him, "where's Xia Yan? What are you going to do?"

Sue choked again.

He glanced at Xia Yan: "Mom, Yan Yan knows she's wrong, she..."

Guan Yue sneered. Su Qi couldn't say any more. She paused for a moment and said, "I'll ask her to apologize to Ran Ran."

Guan Yue said coldly, "Su Qi, do you know why Ran Ran has to go sketching with you and Xia Yan?", the fastest update of the webnovel!