You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6705

"Explain what?" Guan Yue asked him, "is what is said on the Internet false?"

"It's not fake, but it's a misunderstanding," Su Qi said. "I don't know that Ran Ran was injured. I left first with Yan Yan on my back, but I thought Ran Ran would catch up with me..."

"Did Ran Ran catch up?" Guan Yue said, "if you have your sister in your heart and you care about her, you will look back. Did she catch up with you?"

"I'm sorry," Su Qi said humbly, "I was wrong. I was too angry at that time..."

Guan Yue interrupted him, "Why are you angry? What qualifications do you have to be angry?"

Su Qi patiently explained: "I thought Yan Yan was pushed down by Ran Ran, so I was very angry..."

"Now?" Guan Yue asked, "now you know Xia Yan lied and you were cheated by her. What do you think?"

"I..." Su Qi opened his mouth and tongue tied for a moment. "Mom, when I see Ran Ran, I will apologize to Ran Ran, but now, what we urgently need to solve is the problem of online public opinion. This is not a small matter. If things get big, our company's share price will be affected and we will suffer heavy losses. Mom, please give priority to the overall situation."

"The overall situation?" Guan Yue sneered. "Su Qi, do you want to tell me that in your mind, the company is the overall situation and your sister is the minor situation?"

Su Qi: "... I didn't mean that, I..."

"I think that's what you mean!" Guan Yue said coldly, "Suqi, I tell you, in my mind, children are the overall situation and my life, and the rest are small situations!"

"In your mind, being wronged and injured slowly is a trivial matter, but in my mind, my daughter's injury is cutting the meat on the tip of my heart. Nothing is more important than this!"

"What about me?" Su Qi couldn't contain his grievance and anger and shouted, "I'm scolded by the whole network! Su Ran is your daughter, isn't I your son? Why can't you think about it for me?"

"Su Qi, do you remember what I taught you when you were a child?" Guan Yue said seriously: "if you do something wrong, you should be punished! Today, you made a big mistake and were scolded by the whole network. You deserve it! As a mother, I hope you can learn a lesson, remember the lesson, and don't make such mistakes again in the future, and..."

She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths and softened her voice: "ah Qi, all you think about now is eliminating the adverse effects on the Internet? You didn't think about it. Today, you did wrong and your sister was wronged. You should apologize to her and be better to her in the future?"

"I know I'm wrong, mom," Su Qi said. "My heart is not made of iron. Ran Ran is my sister. I know she's hurt. I've been in the forest for so long. How can I not regret and feel bad? But things have happened. Let's solve the problem first, and I'll apologize to Ran Ran, okay?"

Guan Yue asked, "how do you want to solve the problem?"

Su Qi took a deep breath and clenched his fist: "Mom, the current situation is very unfavorable to me and may affect the interests of the company, so... Mom, can Ranran make a statement to the outside world? She said too much first, which angered Yan and me, so we..."

At this point, he can't go on.

After waiting for a while, Guan Yue sneered and said, "say, why don't you go on?", the fastest update of the webnovel!