You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6686

"You're welcome," Gu Yan patted him on the shoulder. "Work hard, tap your greatest potential, grow into the best person, and work for your family when you grow up."

Lin Chengyou opened his eyes, turned to look at him and seriously promised, "sure!"

Gu Yan smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "When you get familiar with those boys in the training camp, you will cultivate feelings that are better than your own brothers and sisters. That kind of feelings are like comrades in arms who can entrust your back to go out on the battlefield. You will fall in love with that feeling."

Lin Chengyou couldn't help smiling, "I'm looking forward to it!"

"I'm also looking forward to it," Gu Yan smiled, opened the door, pushed him into the car and rubbed the top of his hair. "I really want to know how far you can grow. Come on!"


Two days later.

On Gu Jun's way home from work, Gu Chi chatted with him: "young master, the child recommended by master Biao to us is really good. Yesterday, the coach asked him to play with several good seedlings in the training camp. He just scored in the top ten. He can have this strength just after he went. The famous teacher will teach him. He must be a top expert in the future."

"Well," Gu Jun answered one by one, "how's your character?"

Although genius is rare, you can always find it if you look for it with your heart.

What he values most is character.

"Listening to Gu Yan, it's very good," Gu Chi said. "You have love and righteousness, but you can also carry it clearly. You have a steelyard in your heart. You're not confused. You also know how to be grateful and teach well. It's certainly not bad."

"Well, I'll make a contribution to Xiao Qiao." he received another good seedling, which means that there will be an expert around his son to protect him in the future. Gu Wuye is in a good mood: "there's another thing, Chengyuan. You send someone to pay attention to it."

"Chengyuan?" Gu Chi asked, "Chengyou that friend?"

"Yes," Gu Junzhu said, "the child is also good. After Lin Chengyou's accident, he has been asking his brother to help him save Lin Chengyou. He is a good child with love and righteousness. Send someone to contact him to see what the child has special skills and tell him to study hard. As long as he is good enough, Gu's group will give priority to admission in the future and give him the opportunity to show his ambition."

"OK, young master, I'll write it down." Gu Chi nodded.

For children from ordinary families, this is an opportunity to soar.

A thousand mile horse is often found, but Bole is not often found.

With the promise of their young master, Chengyuan will have the opportunity to display its talents. How much ability it has can emit how dazzling light, which can ensure that it will not be buried and suppressed.

Therefore, we should be good people. If good people do more good things, they will always be rewarded.

When they got home, the two little guys saw Gu Junzhu, rushed over and rushed into his arms. Dad and dad shouted.

For Mr. Gu, this time of the day is his happiest moment.

One day's absence is like three autumn days. It also applies here.

One day he didn't see his baby, he couldn't think of it. Hearing his baby son's voice calling dad and holding his baby son's small soft body in his arms, he was happy as if the whole person was going to melt away.

He held one in one hand and walked to Ye Xingbei. "How's it going today?"

Ye Xingbei chuckled, "especially good."

He put the child down and kissed his wife: "good!"

Xiaojiang snuggled into his arms: "Er Bao is also good!"

Xiao Xie was unwilling to fall behind and patted his chest: "three treasures, the best!", the fastest update of the webnovel!