You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6685

Now, Zhao mu, that garbage, has lost his qualification as a father and can't harm his children.

That's great.

Cheng Yuan will be very happy if he knows.

Gu Yan saw him staring at Zhao Mu and asked with a smile, "do you want to go in and have a look?"

Lin Chengyou asked him, "is that ok?"

Gu Yan nodded, "of course, we're here to see a doctor, good man."

Lin Chengyou couldn't help laughing.

The boy was originally good-looking. When he smiled, he was like the sun penetrating the dark clouds. He was handsome and beautiful, full of vitality, especially eye-catching.

Gu Yan couldn't help sighing again. He couldn't help looking at such a beautiful young man. His biological parents didn't cherish it... Either blind or mentally disabled!

Gu Yan opens the door and signals Lin Chengyou to go in.

Lin Chengyou went to Zhao Mu's bed and said, "do you still know me?"

Zhao Mu had an operation. The anesthetic had just passed. The pain was dead and alive. He turned his head hard to look at him.

He stared at Lin Chengyou for a moment and remembered who Lin Chengyou was. His pupils tightened: "you, why are you here? You came out?"

"It seems that you are not well informed!" Gu Yan said with a smile: "The sanatorium in collusion with you has been ordered to close down by the relevant departments. The person in charge and relevant personnel have all been taken away for investigation. They haven't come to you yet. Maybe there are too many people involved. Small shrimps like you haven't been on the wheel yet, but don't worry. Justice will be late, but they will never be absent. They will come to you sooner or later."

Gu Yan was handsome and noble. At first glance, he was not an ordinary person. Zhao Mu's intuition was wrong, and his eyes were surprised and angry: "who are you? I and I were suddenly beaten. Does it have anything to do with you?"

Before Gu Yan could answer his questions, Lin Chengyou said, "it has nothing to do with him. It has something to do with me. My parents listened to you and sent me to the sanatorium. You are as bad as the people in the sanatorium. You have today's end and you deserve it."

Zhao Mu understands.

He stepped on many boats and suddenly capsized. He thought it was his bad luck.

Now he knows that it's not his bad luck. He was retaliated.

He is a psychologist. It is a formal process to introduce his patients to a sanatorium for treatment. He originally thought that even if there was an accident in the sanatorium, he would not be involved.

But now... His dick is dead.

Life is better than death.

"You are so cruel!" he shouted angrily, "I just introduced you to a place for treatment. Why do you treat me like this? You are so cruel!"

"Aren't you cruel?" Lin Chengyou looked at him with cold and contemptuous eyes: "under the banner of a professional adolescent psychotherapist, you sent teenagers to the kind of man eating Magic Cave in the sanatorium. Like the people in the sanatorium, you are the executioner of murder. You have no conscience for money. You deserve what you deserve today."

"No, no..." Zhao Mu shook his head. "I'm a psychologist. I introduce patients to sanatorium. What does sanatorium do have to do with me? You hurt me... Life is better than death. I, I'm going to sue you."

Gu Yan smiled and took out a business card. "Welcome to tell us."

He threw his business card on Zhao Mu's face and left with Lin Chengyou.

Walking into the yard, the bright sunshine fell on Lin Chengyou's face. He raised his head, closed his eyes and said softly, "thank you."

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