You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6627

Zhao Guangsheng doesn't want to go.

Is it easy to beg?

With regard to Downes Nian's mouth, he was frightened when he thought about it.

He would rather go to the company and work three days and three nights than face downesnian's mouth.

What if you don't go?

Do you really divorce Tang Jiajia?

He couldn't bear it.

At that time, he fell in love with Tang Jiajia at first sight and pursued Tang Jiajia for a long time.

His family conditions are average, but Tang Jiajia is a goddess in school. When he pursues Tang Jiajia, many people say he is a toad and wants to eat swan meat, but Tang Jiajia doesn't dislike him. He successfully chased Tang Jiajia, and I don't know how many people's glasses have fallen below.

Tang Jiajia was the first and only girl who moved him. He really wanted to live a good life with Tang Jiajia.

In any case, he didn't expect that letting Tang Jiajia cook for his sister would lead to Tang Jiajia's abortion and make Tang Jiajia hate their family.

Otherwise, he would rather fall out with his mother and his sister than allow his mother and his sister to toss Tang Jiajia.

Unfortunately, money is hard to buy. I knew it.

At the beginning, he felt heartless. Didn't he just cook?

Which woman is married and doesn't cook?

Cooking is not tiring work. It's not worth it. The family is not harmonious because it makes a few meals.

He is in the middle of peace and mud. I hope Tang Jiajia can bear it until his sister has a child, and his sister will go back to her mother-in-law's house.

You can't raise a child in your mother's house, can you?

When his sister has a child, his sister will naturally go back to her mother-in-law's house. At that time, his sister will leave their house and have less contact with them, so the contradiction will naturally disappear.

Calculate the time, but it's only three or four months. It'll pass soon.

With this idea in mind, he always advised Tang Jiajia to be patient until his sister had a child.

However, he didn't wait for good luck. What he was waiting for was disaster.

Tang Jiajia wants to divorce him. For him, it's no different from the destruction of the world.

The proudest thing in his life is to marry a good wife like Tang Jiajia. Although his family conditions are very good, he is not delicate, domineering, gentle and considerate. He also agrees with him. He takes special care of his face and makes him happy every day.

He loves Tang Jiajia and their home. He doesn't want to lose them or die!

If you want to stay, you have to pay.

What the fuck said is right. He has to ask Tang Jiajia to forgive him.

He wants to get Tang Jiajia back. Otherwise, he doesn't know the meaning of his life in this world.

He rubbed his face hard and took a deep breath, "OK, I'll ask Jiajia to come back..."

When he let go, Tang's mother was overjoyed: "that's right! The couple quarreled at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. You and Jiajia have such a good relationship. How can you divorce after a quarrel? You're so good at coaxing Jiajia. Jiajia will change her mind!"

Zhao Guangsheng glanced at her, didn't speak, but looked at Zhao Chenlu: "Zhao Chenlu, don't come to my house in the future. Hurry back to your own home. I don't want to see you again in the future!"

Zhao Chenlu blushed angrily: "brother, what are you talking about? We are brothers and sisters! Besides, this is not only your home, but also our mother's home. I live in our mother's home. What's your business?"

She's not going back!

When she got married, their family still lived in a house of 50 square meters. She was not as good-looking as her brother. She had a bad figure and an average job. She couldn't find a man with good conditions. She had to choose a general among the dwarfs and marry a man with relatively good conditions., the fastest update of the webnovel!