You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6626

What a nice house!

Her son and daughter-in-law live in the upper part of the 200 square meter apartment, and she and her daughter live in the lower part. It is spacious and luxurious. They buy the most advanced and best household appliances. It's not too comfortable to live.

And her ex husband?

The family conditions of their family are the most common in Beijing. Even if her ex husband has tried his best to transfer assets, he just bought a small house of more than 70 square meters with a loan.

She and her son and daughter lived in a luxury apartment with more than 200 square meters, and the location and environment were excellent.

She compared her ex husband and Xiao saner. She was very proud and felt that her waist was straighter than before.

The house is comfortable to live in. Her son and daughter-in-law love each other like glue. There is no sign of divorce at all. I think she can live in the house for a long time.

In that case, after a long time, she didn't care that downnian forced them to do just things.

Anyway, as long as her son and daughter-in-law don't divorce, the house will belong to her future grandson. The meat is rotten in the pot. It doesn't matter whether it's fair or unfair.

She thought very well, but she made a mistake when she lived. She just went out with her daughter. She had a good son and daughter-in-law yesterday, and there was a divorce today!

As soon as her son and daughter-in-law divorce, isn't their family going to move out of the big house?

Now the house is more expensive than when her son got married. After she sold the old house, one-third of the money paid off the debt, and the remaining two-thirds gave her daughter one-third as a dowry. She left one-third for the elderly, and only the remaining one-third paid the down payment, which was only hundreds of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands of people can't afford a thatched cottage in a good place in the capital!

If her son and daughter-in-law divorce, where will their family live?

What about her son getting married again?

Where is she going to get a house for her son?

The more she thought, the more flustered she was. She grabbed Zhao Guangsheng's hand and said flustered, "Guangsheng, don't worry first. Maybe Jiajia was sad because she lost her child for a while. What she said was angry. You go to buy some nutrition, go to Jiajia's house, say some good words to Jiajia, pick Jiajia back, coax Jiajia well, and the matter will pass."

"Mom, don't you understand?" Zhao Guangsheng glanced around the room with red eyes: "look at the house. The air conditioners have been removed. Does it look like you can get better by coaxing?"

"It's man-made," said Zhao's mother. "You and Jiajia have feelings. If you ask twice more, she will make up with you as soon as her heart is soft."

She must persuade her son to coax Zhao Jiajia back, otherwise what else can she do?

Divorced, the house sold, that little money, buy a house certainly can not afford, can only rent a house.

Renting a house costs money. Neither she nor her daughter has a job. Her daughter can go back to her mother-in-law's house, but how can she live in this big house comfortably?

In the past, her son made his own money and spent it himself. He had no burden. If he really wanted to rent a house, he had to spend money.

In the capital, the rent for a slightly better house is six or seven thousand a month. How many good things can six or seven thousand buy?

But if you rent a house, you can't see anything.

It hurts to think of her!

So Zhao Jiajia must coax her back and say nothing to divorce her son and Zhao Jiajia!, the fastest update of the webnovel!