You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 660

In the basement, Gan Xintong's hands and feet are tied, her mouth is blocked, and her clothes are stripped. Jiang Siyou is beating her with a whip.

Jiang Siyou's eyes are scarlet. Now he is green and black. His facial features are twisted. His eyes are full of deep hatred. The whip in his hand lashes at Gan Xintong.

Gan Xintong had long been awakened by the cold water. She screamed in pain, but her mouth was blocked and she could not say anything.

Exhausted, Jiang Siyou throws the whip aside, squats down in front of Gan Xintong, grabs Gan Xintong's hair, and laughs with pride and ferocity: "Ye Xingbei, what's up? Didn't you expect that? You have today, too

Gan Xintong's eyes suddenly gaped and shook his head desperately.

No, no, No.

She is not ye Xingbei.

She is Gan Xintong.

She is not ye Xingbei!

But her mouth was blocked and she couldn't say anything.

Just because her mouth is blocked and her face is out of shape, she and ye Xingbei are six or seven points alike. With the dim light in the basement, Jiang Siyou doesn't find anything.

She only knew that ye Xingbei, whom she hated so much, now became her prisoner!

As soon as she entered the door, she let people take off Ye Xingbei's clothes.

In this basement, there are six of her bodyguards present. Even if Gu Junzhu has a great magic power to find here, will he still want a woman who has been seen by several men?

What's more, what she did was very secret. She believed that no one could find it.

She whipped "Ye Xingbei" with a whip. Her arm was sore and soft. She was sweating and had no strength.

She patted the face of "Ye Xingbei", full of arrogance and pride: "Ye Xingbei, how lucky are you than I used to be? Isn't it still my prisoner? I'll let these men wait on you in turn later. When Gu Junzhu knows that you've been enjoyed by so many men, I think he still wants you! "

With a ferocious smile, she stood up, stepped back and waved to her bodyguards.

Gan Xintong opens his eyes wide in horror, looks at Jiang Siyou and shakes his head desperately.

Her frightened appearance pleased Jiang Siyou, and Jiang Siyou laughed happily, "Ye Xingbei, you have today, do you want to ask me for mercy? That's OK! The worse you are, the happier I am

She told the bodyguards, "come on! What else are you dawdling about? "

Several bodyguards looked at each other and came together.

They are the bodyguards Huang Siyuan sent to Jiang Siyou. They are not good people originally.

There are beautiful young girls sleeping in vain. What do they have to hesitate about?

Several men gathered around Gan Xintong, up and down.

The leader pressed Gan Xintong under his body and enjoyed the satin skin in his palm. He thought that the young lady of the rich family was different from the women outside. If nothing else, the skin would be smoother.

He wanted to enjoy Gan Xintong's mouth. He was so confused that he took out the things blocking Gan Xintong's mouth.

Gan Xintong immediately cried out: "I'm not ye Xingbei. My name is Gan Xintong. I'm just like Ye Xingbei. You caught the wrong person. Let me go, let me go!"

Jiang Siyou opened his eyes in disbelief, and was about to check. The door of the basement was kicked open, and the black muzzle of the gun turned to them, "don't move, police! Hold your head in both hands and squat down in place! "

Jiang Siyou's body was stiff, and he suddenly realized something. In an instant, the pride on his face disappeared, and he was replaced by despair and misery. , the fastest update of the webnovel!