You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6588

"Has it really changed, or is it just not like this in front of me?" old Xue stared at him, his eyes like a sharp sword, cut off his disguise and hit his heart directly: "In the past, I thought that you, an uncle, looked at your niece like a couple, and you changed your attitude. So I warned you severely. At that time, you told me that you didn't have a good sense of propriety. Later, you did change. I believe it. But now, I think it's clear. You don't have a good sense of propriety, but you know that Xue Ningyu is not the seed of Xue family, you and Xue Ning There is no blood relationship between Yu and Xue. You just regard Xue Ningyu as your girlfriend! "

Xue Yang didn't expect master Xue to be so sharp. He just came closer to Xue Ningyu. Master Xue guessed so much.

The point is, master Xue guessed right.

Indeed, he knew that Xue Ningyu was not the blood of the Xue family. He knew it from the first physical examination when Xue Ningyu was very young.

His dead cousin and sister-in-law are both type a blood, and Xue Ningyu is type B blood. It is common sense that two people with type a blood cannot have children with type B blood.

After seeing Xue Ningyu's blood type, he immediately realized that Xue Ningyu was not the child of his cousin and sister-in-law.

He also immediately thought of Zhang Qiuping, who was entrusted by the hospital to take care of Xue Ningyu.

Zhang Qiuping also has a daughter, as old as Xue Ningyu.

He immediately thought that Zhang Qiuping must have coveted the prosperity of the Xue family and traded her own daughter for the daughter of his cousin and sister-in-law.

After understanding this, his first reaction was to find master Xue and tell him the truth.

But the moment he wanted to go out with the medical report, he hesitated.

He knew from an early age that he was only the nephew of master Xue, and he was a nephew.

Although master Xue loves him very much, he can't compare with anyone.

If you compare him with master Xue's only granddaughter, he is nothing.

Mr. Xue was afraid of raising his heart. Since he was sensible, he told him intentionally or unintentionally that he was only a guest of the Xue family, not the master of the Xue family. The inheritance right of the Xue family had nothing to do with him. All he could get was a job.

After the death of his cousin and sister-in-law, master Xue had only one granddaughter, Xue Ningyu. Master Xue beat him more severely to stop his delusions.

Master Xue told him more than once that although Xue Ningyu was just a girl, Xue Ningyu was his son's only flesh and blood. Everything in the future of the Xue family was Xue Ningyu's. what he had to do was to assist Xue Ningyu. If he dared to have a dream, the Xue family would have no place for him.

Obviously, he is also surnamed Xue, and the blood of the Xue family flows in his blood vessels. He is still a man, but just because he is not the grandson of master Xue, his position in master Xue's mind is not comparable to that of Xue Ningyu.

Master Xue is an antique. His thoughts are too old-fashioned. He doesn't recognize any feelings, and no matter what talent or not, he only recognizes blood.

Xue Ningyu is the only blood of his son. Xue Ningyu is the heir of the Xue family. He is willing to give everything of the Xue family to Xue Ningyu.

He is just the nephew of master Xue. Even if he is a man and he is excellent, master Xue has never moved the idea of giving the Xue family to him.

He is unwilling.

So he had the idea of hiding the truth that Xue Ningyu was not the flesh and blood of the Xue family., the fastest update of the webnovel!