You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6587

"You're not my relative, you're my enemy!" master Xue looked at her with disgust and said, "because of your biological mother, I've been separated from my granddaughter for 20 years. My son and daughter-in-law can't be at ease even when they go underground. I've never hated a person like your biological mother in my life. I wish I could tear her to pieces and frustrate her!"

"No... don't..." Xue Ningyu unknowingly shed tears. "Grandpa, I don't know my biological mother at all. What she did has nothing to do with me. I'm innocent!"

"Everything she does is for you. You are a vested interest, and you are not innocent!" master Xue looked at her with no love in the past, full of cold hatred and disgust: "How much I hate her, how much I hate you! In order to make you live a good life, she let my granddaughter live a poor life for 20 years. How many blessings you enjoyed in our Xue family before, and how much hardship I will let you eat in the future! Your mother and daughter owe us Xue family, and I will ask you to double it back!"

Xue Ningyu saw in master Xue's eyes that master Xue hated her. She just felt creepy.

She doesn't understand why a person can become so fast.

Just before she went out this morning, master Xue smiled at her with loving eyes and heart.

In just one day, master Xue changed from his grandfather who loved her most to a man who hated her.

She can't accept such a change.

She cried and grabbed Xue Yang's arm: "uncle, you help me talk to Grandpa. Other people's affairs have nothing to do with me. I only know that I am grandpa's granddaughter. This is my home. I don't want to leave grandpa or you!"

Xue Yang frowned at master Xue and said to him in a deliberative tone: "Uncle, I know that when you suddenly know the truth, you can't accept it emotionally. You're inevitably a little excited. The decisions you make at this time are often wrong. When you calm down, you may regret it. Do you think it's good to let Yuyu live with me first, and then talk about the future when your mood calms down."

"If you want to take him in, you can," said master Xue coldly, "but you can't live in the Xue family's house. Take her away and go wherever you like!"

Xue Yang was stunned, "Uncle..."

"Don't call me uncle, I don't have a nephew like you!" master Xue stared at him with cold eyes: "Xue Yang, I trust you and cultivate you, but you treat me as a fool, don't you?"

Xue Yang nodded in his heart, "uncle, what do you mean by this? My parents divorced when I was very young. They went abroad one after another, and no one would support me. Uncle, you raised me. In my mind, you are my only relative and my most respected elder. How can I treat you as a fool?"

"You don't treat me as a fool. You know Xue Ningyu's life experience. Why don't you tell me?" master Xue said coldly: "Don't tell me, you don't know Xue Ningyu's life experience! I used to wonder that you and Xue Ningyu are too close. Although one is an uncle and the other is a niece, ten years younger than the other, they are two generations, but after all, men and women are different, and you have to avoid suspicion, but what about you? Get along with each other, kiss and be hot like a couple. For this, I warned you!"

Xue Yang didn't expect that master Xue should think of it so quickly. He was a little flustered, but he tried to pretend to be calm on his face: "uncle, Yuyu grew up with me, and she is your most precious person, so I also want to be nice to her. Maybe I didn't take care of it properly, but after you warned me, I changed it.", the fastest update of the webnovel!