You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6571

"They are all dead..." Shang Suihe was pale and had angina pectoris.

After she knew that Zhang Qiuping was not her biological mother, she still fantasized about her biological parents. She also wanted to see them and talk to them, but now... Her parents are dead.

She didn't say a word to her parents or even see them.

She sat on the sofa, her brain stopped turning and couldn't say a word.

"How did you change your child?" Gu Chi asked Zhang Qiuping: "there are many patients because of a series of car accidents in the hospital. Doctors and nurses are too busy. You have an opportunity to exchange your children, right?"

Zhang Qiuping dared not look at Gu Chi.

She was afraid that her eyes would reveal her thoughts, and then let Gu Chi guess other things.

"Come on, I can find out if I don't say it," Gu Chi said lightly. "After the serial car accident, a dying pregnant woman gave birth to a girl... You have given me so many clues. It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I only need ten minutes to find out who the husband and wife died in the serial car accident 20 years ago."

This point is easy to check. With Gu Qi's ability, it can be found out in a few minutes.

"I... I..." Zhang Qiuping looked at Gu Chi in horror, her lips trembling and her eyes full of panic.

"What he said is true, right?" Shang Suihe stared at her. "Because there were serial car accidents, the hospital was in chaos, and the doctors and nurses couldn't take care of it, you exchanged your daughter with me?"

Zhang Qiuping is a soft and cowardly person. Her will is not firm. At the moment, she can't stand such aggressive questioning by Gu Chi and Shang Suihe. She cries and says, "I... I didn't mean to..."

She shook her hands, grabbed Shang Suihe's wrist and cried, "suisui... Your parents are dead... Although our family is poor, at least I gave you maternal love, and I gave you all I can give you! If I didn't hold you, you have neither father nor mother, and you don't even know what maternal love is!"

"So, Miss Shang still has to thank you?" Gu Chi raised his eyebrows jokingly: "Ms. Zhang, since your family is so good, why do you want to exchange your biological daughter with Miss Shang? Your family is so good, isn't it good for you to keep your biological daughter and live a good life with your biological daughter?"

"I... I..." Zhang Qiuping's mouth was tongue tied when asked, and she couldn't say a complete word.

Gu Chi laughs, "Your husband is a drunkard. When he gets drunk, he hits people. If I'm right, that's why you trade your own daughter for Miss Shang? You don't want your own daughter to have a drunkard father. When she grows up, she will be beaten with you. So when you have the opportunity to replace your child with someone else's child, you take other people's daughter with the idea of dead friends rather than poor ones Son and your daughter exchanged... "

Zhang Qiuping trembled like a sieve and was about to collapse.

She thinks Gu Chi is a monster and devil.

He knows nothing, but he can guess everything.

Everything, he seemed to have seen it with his own eyes.

Gu Chi smiled at her: "look at you like this, I guessed right again? You have an alcoholic husband who beat people. You have suffered domestic violence for a long time and don't want your own daughter to live the same miserable life as you. Therefore, you gave your own daughter to others and took others' daughters back to your home.", the fastest update of the webnovel!