You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6570

She was so frightened that her whole body was as soft as noodles, and her limbs kept shaking: "Suisui, you're really not my mother's own daughter, but you know, my mother loves you most. Over the years, my mother keeps close to you whenever there are some good things at home. My family is poor and I can't wait to break a penny into two flowers, but my mother never owes you for the best university..."

"Ms. Zhang, that's really interesting," Gu Chi couldn't help laughing, "If my guess is right, Miss Shang is the eldest lady of a rich family. If you don't bring Miss Shang, Miss Shang's life in her own family is thousands of times better than that around you. You usurped Miss Shang's rich life and gave it to your own daughter. How can you still have the face to show your merit in front of Miss Shang?"

"I... I didn't mean to..." Zhang Qiuping blushed and couldn't say a complete word.

"I don't believe you didn't mean it," Gu Chi said faintly. "If you didn't mean it, you won't know who your own daughter is. You not only know who your own daughter is, but when you say your own daughter's name, it's not only your milk name, but also very intimate and full of emotion. It can be seen that you have been paying attention to your own daughter."

Zhang Qiuping looks at Gu Chi in horror and feels that Gu Chi is like a monster.

She didn't say anything. Why did Gu Chi guess everything?

How could there be such a person in the world?

"Mom, you can't hide it now. Tell the truth," said Shang Suihe, looking at Zhang Qiuping with red eyes "Someone bought me to kill me. The police have been involved in the investigation. Your own daughter is the biggest suspect. Even if you don't tell me now, everything you have done will be investigated by the police... Mom, you tell me the truth now. Maybe the love between our mother and daughter can be preserved. If the police find out the truth, there may be nothing left between you and me..."

"Suisui, don't do this!" Zhang Qiuping was flustered and afraid, and her voice shook badly: "suisui, although your mother is not your own mother, but these years, your mother loves you as her own daughter, mother..."

"Enough, I don't want to hear you say this!" Shang Suihe interrupted her: "I have my own parents. If you didn't bring me back, my own parents would love me..."

"You have no biological parents!" Zhang Qiuping said angrily, "your parents are dead!"

After that, she was stupid again.

She, why did she accidentally tell the truth again?

"My parents are dead?" Shang Suihe's heart wrenched fiercely and asked with a trembling voice, "when and how did my parents die?"

For this reason, I really can't hide it.

Zhang Qiuping had no choice but to say, "your mother died the day you were born..."

"Why?" Shang Suihe's sad heart dull pain: "my mother... Dystocia?"

"It's not... It's a car accident..." Zhang Qiuping said: "after a series of car accidents, your father died on the spot... After your mother was sent to the hospital, the doctor performed abdominal surgery on your biological mother who had only one breath left, saved you, but your mother died and your father died... Suisui!"

She grabbed Shang Suihe's wrist and said in a hurry, "your parents died the day you were born. If it weren't for me, you would be an orphan without parents!", the fastest update of the webnovel!