You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6553

Seeing that he was greedy and wanted to drool, Gu Jun couldn't smile and rubbed his small head, "OK, eat fish, how much you want, OK?"

"OK -" thanks for slapping: "Dad, great!"

Ye Xingbei: "

Look at her son trained by Gu Wuye. If he can't speak clearly, he will praise others.

Gu Junzhu didn't love enough. He rubbed his little head, "thank you very much!"

"Dad -" Xiaojiang tugged at his sleeve and looked at him with big black eyes.

Gu Jun laughed, "Xiaojiang is also great, babies are all great!"

Xiaojiang was happy. He pulled Gu Junzhu's clothes and asked him to bow his head.

When Gu Junzhu lowered his head, he tweeted on Gu Junzhu's face: "love dad!"

Little thanks, unwilling to show weakness, also kissed him on the other cheek: "more, love!"

In an instant, Gu's heart blossomed.

At noon, the family ate grilled fish, fried fish, stewed fish and delicious fish soup.

Dozens of crabs were also found, but they were too small. After Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie had enough, the children released the crabs.

After lunch, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei went crazy in the forest with a few young trees. He and ye Xingbei took Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie for a nap.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie are not happy to see their brothers go to play, but they want to sleep.

Gu Junzhu simply accompanied them outside the tent for a while. Playing, their upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

Gu Junzhu smiled and carried them into the tent. This time they stopped humming, lay on small pillows and soon fell asleep.

Because I slept late, it was close to dusk after waking up. It must be too late to climb the mountain, so the family returned to Jin's house.

Jin Yuan warmly entertained their family in the best hotel in Huacheng.

In the evening, after a night's sleep in Jin's house, they set out for Yuliang mountain.

This time, they will climb the mountain and sleep on the top of the mountain at night.

Yuliang mountain is not high. They walk and play. They arrive at the top of the mountain at noon.

They ate the food they brought on the mountain, set up a tent and took a nap.

There is also a large mountain forest on Yuliang mountain. When Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei took Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie for a nap, xiaoshumiao, accompanied by the bodyguards, went into the mountain forest to hunt, fish and pick mushrooms. They were busy.

In the evening, they eat their own game, boiled mushroom soup and their own food. Even if they eat on the top of the mountain, it is very rich.

After dinner, the family sat in line and looked at the stars in the highest Pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie spent the night on the mountain for the first time. It's very fresh. Look here and there. They don't have enough eyes.

Children's eyes are the cleanest. When they look at you with clear black and white eyes and look at you with clean and pure eyes, your heart explodes and they want to give the whole world to them.

Looking at his baby son, Gu Junzhu thought of the bad things in Jin Yuan's family.

Lin Lin was shocked at Jin Yuan's turning away, but in his opinion, Jin Yuan was kind enough. If a woman wanted to play with his three sons at the same time in the future, he would definitely disappear that woman quietly in the world, so that she didn't even know how she died!, the fastest update of the webnovel!