You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 596

"Qingqing is so pitiful," sighed Ye Xingbei. "Such a lovely girl, still so young, has become a little fool who doesn't know anything. The family must be in a hurry."

"Don't think about it," Gu Jun helped her lie down on the bed and leaned over her eyebrows to kiss her. "Everything will be fine. I think Yue ya'er is very sure of Chi Qing's illness. He is very calm when taking the medicine. There is no hesitation. Chi Qing's hope of getting better is still very big."

"But when you get better?" Ye Xingbei bit his lip. "When she's well, she'll remember her most painful thing. She'll be more painful than now..."

Gu Jun said, "you remind me that the person Chi Qing hates most may not be Shi Muqiao and Shi Xiying..."

Ye Xingbei frowned: "you mean The person she hates most is the one who has passed her

Gu Jun nodded, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Chi Yu, asking him to catch the person whose wheel tip was too late.

After sending a text message, he put away his mobile phone. "In any case, people who have done evil things should not be let go. What I hate most in my life are top criminals and traffickers!"

"Mm-hmm!" Ye Xingbei nodded: "me too!"

"Good boy Gu Jun gave her a kiss and said with a smile, "this shows that my wife and I are committed to the same way and are close to each other."

Ye Xingbei put his arm around his neck and laughed sweetly, "did you put honey on your mouth? Why is it so sweet today? "

"Wronged..." Gu five ye a face grievance, "my mouth which day not sweet?"

Ye Xingbei was amused by him and giggled. He buried his face in his neck and closed his eyes happily.

All along, she regarded Ye's family as her home and her only harbor.

Too afraid to lose, so everyone in the Ye family, she holds a grateful and scared heart, desperately want to get their approval and like.

She never thought that one day, she would be able to break with the Ye family so cleanly.

Even when she broke up with the Ye family, her heart was calm and peaceful, without anger, hatred or fear.

All this is because she has such a husband as Gu Junzhu.

Character is a very mysterious thing.

Although Mr. Gu has a poisonous mouth, he has a good character.

He is kind, honest, loyal and responsible.

Ye Xingbei now has 100% confidence in him.

She believed that as long as she still had their marriage certificate in her hand, Gu Junzhu would be the most qualified husband in the world, and would not cheat or betray.

With such a man, very happy, very at ease.

She put her arms around Gu Junzhu's neck, closed her eyes and said softly, "I'm ready..."

Gu Junzhu: "hmm?"

Ye Xingbei said, "I can go to Ye's tomorrow."

Gu Jun chuckled, "I thought you said, we can do..."

Ye Xingbei If you think less about that, Mr. Gu, you will become the most perfect man in the world

"I don't need to be that perfect..." Gu five Ye's laughter crisp to death, "I'm too perfect, I'm afraid you feel inferior, don't deserve me."

Ye Xingbei It's very thoughtful of you, really

Gu Junzhu kisses her with a smile and rubs her hair. "So, ye Xiaobei, don't be so stupid in the future. Protect yourself and don't get hurt again! How many condoms have we wasted in your injury? What a waste , the fastest update of the webnovel!