You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 595

Gu Junzhu seemed to know what she was thinking. He gently stroked her back.

A casual touch smoothes the sudden sadness of Ye Xingbei.

The leaf Star North lifts Mou to blunt him a smile, the Gu Jun Zhui can't help but touched to touch her head.

Chi Zhan put up with it, but he didn't put up with it. He said to break the beautiful moment: "I also think the person Qingqing hates most should be shimuqiao..."

He was full of chagrin and shame, "but I lost shimuqiao."

"You can have a try with shixiying first," Gu Junzhu said. "Shimuqiao will continue to be found. I will also ask my men to help you find some medicine. When the medicine is ready, you can try with shixiying first. If it doesn't work, you can only try your best to find shimuqiao."

Tardy's eyes were red, and he smashed his fist at his side. "It's all my fault. I'm useless!"

Chi Yu patted him on the shoulder, "the other side is well prepared, you have no accident, I already feel lucky, as long as the division screen bridge is still alive, can always find back, don't worry."

"What if shimuqiao was killed?" Chi Zhan looks at Yue ya'er, his eyes are red. "If Shimu bridge is killed, will my sister never wake up?"

Ye Xingbei can't help looking at Chi Qing.

Although she is delirious, but Chi Yu two brothers dress her clean and beautiful.

She has a round face, a little baby fat, big eyes, curly eyelashes, and looks like a lovely Barbie doll.

She sat quietly on the sofa, not crying, especially clever.

But her eyes are blankly, looking at unknown places, no one knows where her mind is lost, what she is thinking at the moment.

If this girl can't be cured, it's a pity that she will be so ignorant all her life.

Ye Xingbei couldn't help looking at Yue ya'er and asked, "if Shi Xiying doesn't work, is there any other way to find Shi Muqiao?"

Yue ya'er thought for a moment and shook his head. "Not necessarily. I'll think of a way."

They are all girls of the same age. Yue ya'er also sympathizes with Chi Qing.

She will try her best to help Chi Qing.

Gu Junzhu suddenly said: "the living don't work, the dead can also, if the division curtain bridge was killed, find division curtain bridge body, also can stimulate Chi Qing."

"If you can't even find the corpse of shimuqiao, you can find someone to make it look like shimuqiao. Nowadays, the makeup technique is so superb. It's very simple to find someone who is similar to shimuqiao and make it look like shimuqiao. It's estimated that Chi Qing can't tell the true from the false."

"If you can't do it any more, you can also find the images of Shi Muqiao before he died, edit them, find some clips that are easy to stimulate Chi Qing, and show them to Chi Qing. When I supervise Shi Xi's films, I should take a lot of pictures, just cut them at will."

Mr. Gu said three solutions at a time, and there was silence in the living room.

A moment later, Chi Yu just said: "five elder brother talent think agile, a Yu admire."

Gu Jun by hook lips: "small things, you are in the game."

I have Myrrh on my hand today. I can't treat Chi Qing.

Yue ya'er writes a prescription. Chi Yu and Chi Zhan leave with their sister and the prescription.

Gu junzhui accompanies Ye Xingbei to return to the bedroom, sees her some melancholy, flicks her forehead, "what's the matter? "Sad?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!