You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 585

"My father was very excited when he knew, so he immediately sent someone to investigate the residence of this Chinese medicine expert, hoping to invite someone to treat Qingqing."

"As a result, the informant told my father that Yue Guoshou had passed away, and there was only one granddaughter under his knee who studied medicine and inherited his legacy..."

Gu Jun picks eyebrows one by one: "Yue ya'er?"

Chi Yu nodded: "yes, it's Yue ya'er. After a lot of relationships, we finally found the whereabouts of Yue Guo's granddaughter. It turns out that she signed a long-term contract with Wu Ge you this morning."

"She is now the personal doctor of Mrs. Wu Ge. If she goes out, she must get the permission of Wu Ge and your wife. So we came to ask Wu Ge to approve Dr. Yue to see my sister."

Gu Jun chuckled, "it's really Yue ya'er. Didn't I pick up the treasure?"

He signed a long contract with Yue ya'er because Yue ya'er and ye Xingbei came to chat.

They didn't know each other for a long time, but they agreed with each other very much. The real version of "pouring out like the past" was intimate like two sisters when chatting.

In the past, all the family doctors were male masters, so the family doctors were also male.

Now with Ye Xiaobei, it's convenient to have a female family doctor.

In addition, Yue ya'er and ye Xingbei are so congenial that he naturally wants to help Ye Xingbei keep them.

He asked Gu Chi to talk about the contract. Before Gu Chi went to talk, he told Gu Chi that as long as Yue ya'er was willing to stay, money was not a problem.

When Gu Chi came back, he found that he had signed a very high price.

He didn't care.

Money is hard to buy. His wife likes it.

He signed it not only to be a family doctor, but also to be a good friend chatting with his wife. He has plenty of money. If it's higher, it's higher. He doesn't care.

Now he knows that there is a reason why it is expensive.

Although he broke the money, he found the granddaughter of a Chinese medicine expert.

Since can let the late Yu beg to come to the door, presumably the medical skill is not vulgar.

He has plenty of money, but famous doctors are rare.

He made it.

"I didn't know about brother Wu," Chi Zhan said. "I heard that brother Wu broke the sky high price and signed a 50 year contract with Dr. Yue. I thought brother Wu would pay such a high price to sign Dr. Yue because he knew about Dr. Yue's background."

"No," Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "I signed for 50 years, just because people say that the older the doctor is, the more experience he has, and the higher his medical skills. It's unreasonable to sign for 10 or 8 years, so that she can practice her skills on my wife and treat others."

Late Exhibition Five brothers are lucky. "

"Well," Mr. Gu said with a smile, "I've always had good luck, especially when my father chose my wife for me. My father chose my wife at random. As a result, my wife and I fell in love and were blessed."

Chi Yu, Chi Zhan

Our sister is still ill. Is it right to scatter dog food for us at this time?

Chi Yu coughed: "brother five, do you mind letting Dr. Yue visit my sister? It's not a problem in terms of money. Human feelings are human feelings. Business belongs to business. It costs a lot of money for brother Wu to sign doctor Yue. If brother Wu lets us use it in vain, we're embarrassed. "

"I have no problem," said Gu Junzhu, "but I want to see what Dr. Yue means."

The granddaughter of a traditional Chinese medicine expert, who is so young, is not going to work in a hospital. Instead, she signed a contract with Xun GUI's family to be a private doctor, which is not quite reasonable.

Gu Junzhu met many well-known TCM doctors. Most of them were employed by a noble family when they were old. They were considered to be retired.

He had never seen a famous doctor in his twenties before, and then he signed for a private family doctor.

Moreover, one signature is 50 years.

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