You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 584

Ye Xingbei doubts: "she really married Huang Siyuan? She didn't get back at me

After Jiang Siyou threatened her, he paid the penalty to Xinggong and terminated the contract with Xinggong.

She didn't take Jiang Siyou's threat to heart at all. She was not interested in what Jiang Siyou's future would be like.

Since then, she has never heard of Jiang Siyou.

"She did marry Huang Siyuan," Gu Junzhu sneered, "but she is stupid, and Huang Siyuan is not stupid. What kind of cat and dog do I dare to revenge on Gu Junzhu?"

Ye Xingli frowned and muttered: "maybe Beibei was sent to the underground prostitute's house, which is Jiang Siyou's revenge! No, we have to hold fast to kill Huang Siyuan! This kind of social cancer scum, die early, clean early

"Xiao Li is right," said Ye Xinglan. "In this case, we will not disturb Beibei to recover. We will go back to find a way to convict Huang Siyuan and send him to huangquan road to avenge Beibei!"

Ye Xinglan and Ye Xing leave. Ye Xingbei is in a daze biting his chopsticks.

Gu Jun knocked her forehead, "what do you think?"

Ye Xingbei said, "it's nothing. I just think the world is so small. It turns out that the boss of the underground prostitute shop is Jiang Siyou's husband."

"I also found some things, which may have something to do with your father's death..." Gu Jun did not finish, the door was knocked, Gu Chi pushed the door in.

"Young master, Chi Yu and Chi Zhan are here. They want to see you." Gu Chi replied respectfully.

"Ask them to go to the living room, I'll go right there," Gu Jun stroked the back of Ye Xingbei's head. "I'll meet them and come back to tell you in detail. You look at the sapling and eat the meal. How long has it been? Is the meal cold?"

"It's not cool, it's not cool," the young tree shook his head. "Lengthen the front line, you can eat more, you can eat more, you can eat more when you're hungry!"

"You're a snack!" Gu Jun chuckles, pinches his face, turns to see ye Xingbei: "you are careful with them, don't let them touch your wound."

Yexing North pressure heart just because Gu Junzhu that and her father's death has something to do with the words caused by the storm, sweet smile, "know, you go quickly, don't let the guests wait for a long time."

Mr. Gu can be very wordy sometimes.

But it is these small wordiness that fill her heart with sweetness and warmth.

And told the two small words, let them eat obediently, don't make trouble, the most important thing is not to meet Ye Xingbei body injury, Gu Jun Zhuo this just left the bedroom downstairs.

Downstairs, Chi Yu and Chi Zhan are looking at the famous paintings on the wall, but they are obviously absent-minded.

Hearing the footsteps, they immediately looked to the direction of the stairs.

See Gu Jun by downstairs, two people stand up, and Gu Jun by say hello.

Gu Junzhu sat down opposite them.

Chat a few words, Chi Yu cut into the main topic: "five brothers, I and small exhibition this time, is to ask you something."

Gu Jun Zhu smile, "we are now partners, mutual benefit, help you is to help myself, something to say."

Chi Yu said: "a few days ago, my father had an old friend. After learning about Qingqing, he went to my home to visit my father and Qingqing. My father's friend and my father talked about a Chinese medicine expert named Yue."

"My father's friend said that there was a grandson of a senior official in Beijing. The situation was similar to that of Qingqing. After being stimulated, he didn't recognize others. Many doctors were at a loss. In the end, he was cured by a national hand named Yue Gubai." , the fastest update of the webnovel!