You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 582

"OK, let's listen to brother five!" Ye Xingli also thinks that Gu Junzhu's words are reasonable. He can't wait to go back and have a try.

When he comes home, he grabs his father's hand and tells him to wake up and apologize to Beibei.

He had to tell his father that he had to wake up before he could be a supporter for Beibei.

Uncle is gone. When Beibei and Wuge hold their wedding, Dad can take the place of uncle and let Beibei walk on the red carpet with his arm.

If anyone dares to bully Beibei in the future, his father will protect Beibei instead of his uncle, just like his father protected his father when he was a child.

He gave his father a good look forward to the future, his father can't really wake up.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, as if Gu Junzhu's words were a panacea. When he went back, he tried in his father's ear, and his father would wake up.

He was very worried and said, "in this case, brother five, Beibei, we'll go back first. When Beibei is well, we'll pick up Beibei."

"Wait a minute," Gu Jun glared at him. "Beibei has forgiven your parents. I haven't forgiven you yet."

Ye Xingli Brother five, don't you mean husband and wife are one? If the north and the North forgive you, you will have a large number of adults, and women will sing along. "

Gu junzhutut: "it's not easy. Is your brother too stupid to give you a serious sense of crisis? You've become smart enough to say what I love to hear. "

Ye Xingli

I've said what you love to hear. Don't you talk to me?

Ye Xingli's bitter gourd face.

"I almost lost my wife because I had done such disgusting things and made such a big mistake. I wanted to expose it after being whipped a few times?" Gu Jun said coldly: "if you compare the fate of the teacher's family, you have nothing to say to me?"

Ye Xinglan pressed Ye Xingli who wanted to speak, looked at Gu Junzhu, and said sincerely: "brother Wu, thousands of mistakes are all my fault. Now I'm not afraid of you and Beibei asking for anything, just because you and Beibei are not willing to ask for anything. How do you want me to atone? Just say, as long as brother Wu asks, even if I can't do it, I will try my best to do it."

"Attitude is not bad," Gu junzhugou lower lip, "ask you a question."

Ye Xinglan respectfully: "brother five, you say."

Gu Jun asked: "do you know who is the boss behind the scenes of the underground prostitute shop?"

Ye Xinglan: "Zheng Yixiong?"

Gu Junzhu shook his head: "Zheng Yixiong is just the boss of the underground prostitute shop in Y country. I'm talking about the big boss behind the scenes."

Ye Xinglan frowned, "I don't know. My father is disgusted with that kind of place. Our Ye family has nothing to do with those who are stained with black characters. Does brother Wu want to revenge the underground prostitutes?"

Contact Gu Junzhu just said to him, he quickly changed another way: "brother five wants us Ye family revenge underground prostitute house, make amends to Beibei?"

Gu Jun tilted his lips and nodded, "it's OK, it's not too stupid."

"Yes, brother five, I promise," ye Xinglan said without hesitation, "our Ye family will do whatever it takes to root out the underground prostitute's house, and let the underground prostitute's house and its boss disappear from the world."

Although he didn't know who was the big boss behind the scenes of the underground prostitute shop, he had heard that he was a famous tycoon in the world. He made his fortune by black lettering and had great strength.

If they want to deal with underground prostitutes, they must pay a high price.

But he is willing to do it.

The prostitute house is not only a thorn in Beibei's heart, but also a thorn in his parents' heart when they wake up.

Only by pulling it out, can the thorn be pulled out from parents' heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!