You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 58

"One day, he heard that when he saw your second uncle in Yucheng, he immediately wanted to find him. At that time, he was still ill. Your mother didn't trust him and wouldn't let him go. He refused, so your mother accompanied him. As a result, there was a traffic accident on the road, and the car was destroyed and people died..."

The leaf Star North Zheng Leng for a while, cover mouth, tears moist eye socket.

Gu Junzhu patted her gently, "now, my staff told me that they suspected that the accident was man-made, but now they haven't found any evidence..."

"Artificial?" Ye Xingbei fiercely got up from the bed and trembled in a shocked voice: "do you mean, do you mean that my parents died not by accident, they were killed?"

"Yes Gu Jun nodded, "they guess so, but it's been too long and there's no evidence."

Ye Xingbei is a smart man. When she talked with Gu Junzhu just now, she thought of something and opened her eyes wider: "do you mean that the reason why my two brothers deal with Jiang Zhengxing is because the death of my parents is related to Jiang Zhengxing?"

Gu Junzhu praised her cleverness in his heart. He patted her on the back and calmed her down: "don't get excited. All this is just speculation, and there is no substantive evidence."

"I guess your two elder brothers are just guessing, and there is no substantial evidence. Otherwise, with your elder brother's character, it must be more than the acquisition of Jiangshi."

Ye Xingbei opened his eyes: "do you know my elder brother?"

"I know both of your brothers," Gu Junzhu said, "but I have no deep friendship."

They are all famous families in the capital, and it's easy to see them in such a large circle of upper class society in the capital.

However, for some reasons, he and Xie brothers are from two small circles, and they have no friendship with each other.

Ye Xingbei sat on the bed in a daze.

She returned to Jiangcheng only a few days, but she felt that her world had been turned upside down.

She has a nominal husband.

She had been slept by a man and was no longer a girl.

Her biological parents have changed, and they are both dead.

She has no parents.

She has two more brothers, but she still doesn't know whether her two brothers are willing to recognize her sister.

She has called her father for a year. He may be the enemy who killed her own father

One by one, one by one, is a great event in her life.

Now, so many big things have come together.

She felt that her head and heart would be blown apart by the news.

If Jiang Zhengxing is really the enemy who killed her parents, then she is the fool who killed her father's enemy for a year!

Jiang Zhengxing, the beast with human face and animal heart!

If he really killed her parents, it's not hard to explain why Jiang Zhengxing would rather go out to have a baby than her niece!

Who dares to raise the daughter of a man killed by himself?

Seeing that she was angry and resentful, her eyes were glistening with tears, and her slender body was shaking slightly, Gu Jun could not help sitting up, taking her into his arms and gently stroking her back: "good, I'm not angry! As I have just said, what I said is just a guess. There is no evidence yet. Maybe there is a mistake. "

"Don't worry, there will always be a day when the truth will be discovered and the bad guys will be punished. I will get justice for your parents!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!