You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 57

The more she thought about it, the more she felt puzzled. She tilted her head to look at Gu Junzhu and said, "didn't you say you found something? What did you find out? Can you tell me? "

Gu Junzhu also tilted his head to look at her, full of interest a hook lips: "you kiss me, I will tell you!"

“……” Ye Xingbei asked seriously, "Mr. Gu, how old are you?"

As a child, he always says, "kiss me, and I'll tell you."

Do you want to be so naive!?

For the sake of teasing this little girl several times tonight, Gu Jun decided to let her go and give her some sweets to tempt the enemy.

He didn't show off any more. "Do you know how your own father died?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei said, "when I was in the Jiang family, I heard that my parents died in a car accident."

Ye Xingbei was just sorry when he heard the news in the Jiang family.

But today, when she said it out of her mouth, she felt heartache and her eyes were red.

That's her real parents!

Even Gu Junzhu said that her parents were excellent people.

If they're alive, they'll be nice to her.

She will also be a child with parents' pain and protection. She won't be wandering for more than ten years and suffer a lot.

Gu Jun patted her and asked, "do you know about your second uncle?"

The old man of the Jiang family gave birth to three sons in his life.

Jiang Zhengwei, the eldest, is the biological father of Xie Yinlin, Xie Jinfei and ye Xingbei.

Lao Erjiang is upright and is Ye Xingbei's second uncle.

The old three rivers are on their way, and under their knees are Jiang Siyou, Jiang Lingyu, Jiang Congyuan and Jiang Conglin.

Ye Xingbei nodded again: "I heard that my second uncle went to find his repentant fiancee, and then he disappeared. There was no one alive or dead, and he never came back after he went out."

"Yes," Gu Jun nodded, "your second uncle is the second elder sister who asked me to repent and then disappeared."

Ye Xingbei How did your second sister die? "

Gu Junzhu was silent for a while, sighing: "stabbed to death."

Ye Xingbei stares big eyes, dumbfounded: "is your second sister murdered?"

Gu Jun nodded: "yes."

"Why?" Ye Xingbei asked, "who killed your second sister?"

What deep hatred, as for life?

Gu Junzhu was silent again, and then said, "my second sister fell in love with a married man, and that man also fell in love with my second sister. He wanted to divorce his original mate, who stabbed my second sister and that man to death, and then committed suicide."

Ye Xingbei That Maybe I don't think it's right, but I think if all the women in the world are as bloody as the original, there will be fewer and fewer little three sons in the world! "

She thought about it and said, "no, what I just said is not right! We women can't live without men. Divorce means divorce! Divorce or their own wind and water, or find a better man, wind and scenery of life, why want to betray a marriage of scum man to die, not worth it

Gu Jun chuckles and doesn't answer her.

He had a bad relationship with his second sister. His second sister's death was pure self blame. Although he was heartbroken, he didn't want to comment any more because he had been dead for so long.

He continued the topic just now: "your second uncle went to find my second sister. He never came back. Your father loves his younger brother very much. He sent people to look for him everywhere. He looked for him for several years, but he didn't give up." , the fastest update of the webnovel!