You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 563

Ye Xingli was full of disdain: "what about your mother? Shi Xiying and Shi Xiling are rotten. Your mother is worse! Don't tell me what's wrong. It's Shi Xiling and Shi Xiying. They're not teachers. Do they dare to do whatever they want without their support? A few days ago, didn't you help shixiying to bully Beibei? "

"I'm not going to bully Ye Xingbei, I'm just going to take Shi Xiying home," Shi Shijun anxiously distinguishes: "I..."

"Don't say it," Ye Xingli interrupted and shrugged, "I'm a dandy. I don't care about these things. If you want to plead with me, go to my brother."

After that, he took people away.

A strong sense of despair swept through Shi Shijun's heart. In front of his eyes, he became black, faltered and nearly fell.

Sure enough, the pig team mate is more terrible than the God opponent.

There are three women in a family. One is more mentally handicapped than the other, and the other is more vicious than the other. If the teacher's family is not defeated, then heaven has no eyes.

"Ah Jun!" Shi maotong rushed in and saw the mess in the yard. He was so angry that he trembled all over: "I'm too deceiving! Too much deception

The housekeeper calls him and says that ye Xingli has smashed his home.

He took people back with the fastest speed, but he was still a step late.

"Not at all," said Shi Shijun, who had already accepted his fate and had a sense of calm. "Dad, do you know what Shi Xiling did? She and the curtain Pavilion fall in love and give ye Xinglan a green hat. Now ye Xinglan already knows that she wants to stay with our family forever. "

He sneered, "Dad, what do you think we are working hard every day for? We are outside supporting the company, supporting the teacher's home, busy like top every day, trying to make money for their mother three, but in the end, what have they done for us? One provoked the Chi family, one provoked Gu Junzhu, and the other offended the Ye family, who had the best relationship with our family! "

He shook his head tired, "Dad, don't toss, wait to die, our family is finished!"

"You, what do you say?" Shi maotong shook his body and his face was unbelievable.

"Dad, don't doubt your ears. You heard right," Shi Shijun said sarcastically, "that's it! Shi Xiling holds the position of the young lady of the Ye family in the future. She raises a male pet at home. Ye Xinglan knows that. Ye Xinglan wants to settle accounts with us! "

Shi Mao's eyes turned black and almost choked to death.

He trembled and gasped for a long time before he could say, "beast! Beast! All animals

"It's too late to scold anything," Shi Shijun said with a smile. "Therefore, it doesn't work to marry a virtuous man when you marry a wife. You have to have a good brain. If I marry a wife, I must have a good brain Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't have that chance. I don't know if I can live in this way. I want to marry a wife? Oh

"No! No Shi maotong shook his head again and again. "I can't just destroy the foundation of my family for a hundred years. There's still a way I'm sure I can find a way

Shi Shijun didn't speak any more.

There are too many opponents and too strong for him to see any hope.

He's already waiting to die.

"Let me see Think about... " Shi maotong is an anxious man, racking his brains to think of a way to turn his family around.

Shi Shijun was disheartened and silent.

Suddenly, Shi maotong's eyes brightened, "I think of it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!