You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 562

"I only love brother LAN. I've never loved any other man. I've always kept my secret for brother LAN. I've never been touched by any other man. Who are you and brother LAN provoked by? I misunderstand me like this. I I... " She grasped the clothes of her heart, and was wronged to death.

The curtain Pavilion, which she pushed down on the ground, looked at her blankly, "Miss You What did you say? You Don't you say that the person you really love is me, you and ye Xinglan are together, just forced helpless? We... "

"Shut up Shi Xiling interrupted him in a panic and scolded: "what are you talking about? Who made you frame me up? It's Chi's, isn't it? You take advantage of the late family and deliberately stir up the relationship between brother LAN and me, don't you

The curtain Pavilion looked at her in amazement, and tears welled up.

He bowed his head and choked in despair: "you lied to me You, you lied to me... "

"Don't pretend!" Shi Xiling's sharp voice was full of anger and grievance: "curtain Pavilion, I treat you so well and treat you as my confidant, but you eat inside and outside, and unite with outsiders to frame me. Curtain Pavilion, do you deserve my kindness to you? Is your conscience eaten by the dog? "

Mu Ting looked up at her, shaking his head, crying and laughing, "it's not like this It's not like this You said you love me. You said you were with ye Xinglan just for the benefit of the family. You said that I was the one you wanted to marry most. If it wasn't for my humble status, you would marry me. You said that in your mind, I am your real husband. You said that... "

"Shut up Shi Xiling grabbed the vase half broken on the ground and smashed it on his head. "You dare to insult and frame me when you die! You say, who on earth ordered you? Is it Chiyu or Gujun

The curtain pavilion was smashed in the head, and the blood beads dripped from his forehead.

He tried to open his eyes, blink the blood from his eyelashes, and cry like a child.

He slowly reached out and grasped a piece of porcelain. With a violent wave of his hand, the piece of porcelain ran across his carotid artery. The blood gushed out and splashed Shi Xiling's face.

Shi Xiling screamed in fright. She used both hands and feet and couldn't help retreating.

The curtain Pavilion fell to the ground, covered his neck, and tried to look at the direction of Ye Xingli, "yes, I'm sorry I, I really thought she loved me I... "

He didn't finish his words, he swallowed his breath, and his beautiful eyes were still open.

I don't want to die.

The leaf star left wrinkly frown, in the heart block of affliction.

He suddenly didn't want to stay here any longer.

He felt that the air here was dirty, and a breath seemed to steal his lungs.

He waved, "go!"

The bodyguards swarmed him out of the living room.

"Xiao Li!" Shi Shijun ran after him and yelled after him.

Ye Xingli stops and looks back at him.

Shi Shijun said with a bitter smile, "Xiao Li, I know that Shi Xiling and Shi Xiying are rotten from the root. I don't know when my sister grew up like this, but Xiao Li, you and your brother grew up together. Shi Xiling and Shi Xiying made mistakes. I will punish them well, but Xiao Li, please Don't let our whole family bury them, I beg you. "

Ye Xingli laughs sarcastically, "are you the only two bad sisters in your family?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!