You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 553

Fortunately, the bedroom is too big to be crowded with a bed.

Now, his parents are all in a coma.

Ye Xingli got the news yesterday, just came back, and now he is guarding by the bed.

Seeing him coming in, he looked up at him with red eyes and said, "brother, I have to go to Beibei."

Ye Xinglan's eyes are bitter: "Xiao Li, Beibei may not see you. This time, we have offended Beibei."

"Heart disease still needs heart medicine," Ye Xingli said: "even if dad is in a coma, he always calls out the names of uncle and Beibei. Dad has a heart knot. Let Beibei come to see Dad. If Dad's heart knot is untied, he may wake up."

Ye Xinglan did not speak.

He knew that what ye Xingli said was right.

But their family has done that to Beibei. Now what's the face to let Beibei come to see his father?

"In any case, I will go," Ye Xing stood up, "brother, you guard your parents, I will go now."

The leaf star appendix vomited a breath and looked at the parents who are unconscious: "let the doctor guard, I accompany you to go together."

He is the one who is most sorry to Ye Xingbei.

He should be the one who should take the blame.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Gu's manor.

As expected, they were stopped at the gate. The guard said, the master is not seen.

Ye Xinglan looks at the rich and elegant villa in the distance of the manor, full of pain.

Ye Xingli pursed his lips, didn't say anything begging, went to the center of the gate and knelt down straight.

Ye Xing LAN Zheng, closed his eyes, walked forward, knelt down beside Ye Xing.

If he can't get through this, his father will die.

His parents are very close to each other. If his father dies, his mother won't live long.

He would do anything to save his parents.

What's more, he owes Beibei.

It's natural that we should pay off the debt.

Brothers kneel from morning to evening, Ye Xing can't support himself.

Knowing that his parents were seriously ill, he was so anxious that he flew back to country y from Jiangcheng that he never closed his eyes.

He is no more diligent than ye Xinglan in physical training, and his physical quality is not as good as ye Xinglan. He is still on his knees for more than one day and night. His sight is blurred, his body shakes, and he falls to the ground.

"Xiao Li!" Ye Xinglan screamed and lifted him up from the ground.

He hurriedly pressed Ye Xingli's middle acupoint, took the water from the bodyguard, and squeezed his mouth to irrigate him.

His forehand was busy and his feet were disordered, and footsteps came from the distance.

The gate opened, and the guard came up to them and said, "master, let you in."

The voice of the guard is full of contempt, but it sounds like the sound of nature to ye Xinglan.

Ye Xingli drinks half a bottle of water, and his consciousness gradually wakes up.

The brothers got up, moved their stiff bodies and walked into the manor.

Ye Xingbei's condition is not good these two days.

The day after she was rescued by Gu Jun, she began to have a fever. Her temperature rose higher and higher, and she was in a daze. Most of the time she was unconscious.

Although Yue ya'er said that this is a normal phenomenon, most people with severe trauma will have a fever. As long as they take medicine in time and take good care, it won't hurt much, but Gu Junzhu is still worried.

Stimulate Ye Wuwei to vomit blood. After stirring the Ye family into a mess, he takes a bad breath. When he comes back from the Ye family, he stays by Ye Xingbei's bed.

He gives Qiao Zui and Fang Yao to take revenge on the master's family. Gu Chi takes people to help him and provides technical support. , the fastest update of the webnovel!