You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 552

The teacher's family has been besieged on all sides, plus the Ye family, the teacher's family will never be able to turn over.

Ye Xinglan's words are equivalent to giving the master and her a death notice.

Shi Xiling was trembling with fright. She rushed to grab ye Xinglan's clothes and begged: "brother LAN, you believe me. You are wrong. You are really wrong. I am innocent between the curtain Pavilion and me. He is just my bodyguard, not a man's pet, brother lan..."

"Shi Xiling, I don't want to believe everything you say," ye Xinglan shook her away and said coldly, "I only believe in my own eyes, come here!"

With his pop drink, his bodyguard came in quickly.

"Throw her out," ye Xinglan pointed to Shi Xiling fiercely, and his eyes were cold. "From now on, the Ye family and the Shi family are the mortal enemies. All the property of the Ye family is not allowed to be set foot by any of the Shi family!"

His bodyguard, awe inspiring, strode to Shi Xiling, grabbed her arm and dragged her out.

Shi Xiling cried out: "brother LAN, you misunderstood me. You really misunderstood me. Please brother LAN, give me a chance to explain..."

Ye Xinglan doesn't say a word. The bodyguard's steps speed up. Shi Xiling's crying voice is more and more distant, and finally disappears.

Ye Xinglan closed his eyes, looked dejected, and hit him with a hard blow.

He's a pig!

She thinks that her girlfriend is elegant and pure, but in fact she is just a shameless dissolute.

She dares to raise a man's pet in the room. What kind of fool does she take the young master of Ye family as?

What's more, if it wasn't for Gu Junzhu's reminding, he might be engaged to her, marry her, have children, or even like to be a father and raise wild seeds for that bodyguard!

Thinking of this, his heart was bleeding.

It's a lifelong disgrace.

The teacher deceives others too much!

He took out his mobile phone and called Fu Chengguang, his special assistant: "Chengguang, you should organize a high-level meeting of the company now. Our Ye family should completely shut down the Shijia family, and all the cooperation that can be stopped with the Shijia family should be stopped, regardless of the cost, regardless of the gain and loss. There is only one thing that we would rather lose more than let the Shijia family get a cent of the benefits. Do you understand? ”

Fu Chengguang was surprised: "young master, what's the matter? Did I hear you right? Is it really a teacher? Did you break up with Miss Normal University? "

"Don't ask too much!" Ye Xinglan said harshly, "do as I told you. I want to see my teacher's family go bankrupt and be heavily in debt. I can't survive or die!"

"OK, I understand, young master," Fu Chengguang said, "the Chi family and Duanmu family are working together to deal with the Shijia. The Shijia's situation is not good at first. Gu's family is suddenly involved. The Shijia's family is even more dangerous. I'm sorry that I can't get a share. The young master's phone call came. Young master is wise."

"No nonsense!" Ye Xinglan rebuked coldly: "do as I say, especially remember that we can have losses, but we can't let the teachers get any benefits from us!"

"Yes Fu Chengguang tone a Su, "guarantee to complete the task!"

Ye Xinglan cut off his mobile phone, closed his eyes and breathed a long breath.

A moment later, he rubbed his face and walked wearily into his parents' room.

After his father vomited blood and fell into a coma, his mother refused to leave, and he did not dare to let his mother and his father sleep in the same bed for fear of affecting the rescue, so he added a bed beside the big bed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!