You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 52

"What does that mean?" Ye Xingbei interrupts him discontentedly.

She's a short guard.

Although the two cousins in my uncle's family used to think that she was Jiang Zhengxing's own daughter and didn't see her, now they knew that they were actually her own brothers, so she immediately took care of them.

See her a face protect short of appearance, Gu Jun by knead her face son, "this protect?"? When can you protect me like this? At least I'm your child, isn't his father? "

"You go away!" Ye Xingbei: "if you have something to say, don't move your hands and feet!"

Gu Jun Zhu narrowed his eyes and said, "can you move your mouth?"

Leaf Star North white he, "don't move a mouth, can you still talk?"

"Well, then, move your mouth!" Gu Jun lowers his head and kisses Ye Xingbei on his lips.

Cool, soft, and a little faint fragrance of flowers, like petals.

Ye Xingbei You, you, you asshole! "

She raised her hand and hit Gu Junzhu in the face.

This asshole!

When she has hypoglycemia, she takes advantage of her. For the sake of his saving her life, she is not good enough to investigate him.

But it's addictive to take advantage of the goods. Even if you use your hands and feet, you can kiss her secretly!

Too much!

Gu Junzhu easily grasped her wrist and gently rubbed her tender skin with her finger pulp, enjoying: "honey, your skin is so good. What kind of skin care products do you usually use?"

Ye Xingbei was both shy and angry. He was dizzy with anger. "Gu, Jun, Zhu!"

See her angry face red, Gu Jun by see, again tease go on, this wench really annoyed.

As soon as he was ready, he lay back on the bed, raised his hands behind his head, looked at her, and said happily, "don't be angry, don't be angry, it's a long night, so lonely, I'm playing with you! Now everyone is happy. Let's get down to business

Ye Xingbei spits blood.

Which eye did he see her happy?

She glared at him, gnashing her teeth: "I warn you, if you touch me again, I'll move out with the tree!"

If she didn't love the little tree too much, she would not be entangled with the goods.

This product looks elegant and noble, but now she has seen the essence through the phenomenon, which is a man eating belly black wolf!

If it wasn't for the little tree, she would rather go to Africa to mine than share the bed with the goods!

"Isn't it good to be so heartless?" Gu Jun looked at her side by side. His dark eyes were brighter than the stars. "Honey, we are famous and real legal couples! Certified! Both the state and the Civil Affairs Bureau admit it! My dad admits it! My cheap nephew called you auntie! And our housekeeper, gardener, driver and bodyguard... "

"You stop!" Ye Xingbei stretched out his hand to cover his mouth. He felt tired and didn't love him: "Gu Junzhu, I beg you, please say less, OK?"

She saw the goods outside as cold as iceberg. It's hard to open the golden mouth. How can she turn into a chatter as soon as she talks with her?

Her heart is really tired!

Gu Junzhu doesn't know what's wrong with him, so he likes to see her helpless and helpless.

Her white soft hand covered his mouth, and he stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked it in her palm.

Ye Xingbei immediately drew back his hand like an electric shock, slapped him on the shoulder, and his face turned red: "Gu, Jun, Zhu!"

Gu Jun, with a serious face and a shrug of shoulders, said, "get down to business! Get down to business! Do you want to recognize your brother? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!