You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 51

"You don't have to worry about this for the moment," Gu Junzhu said. "As long as you don't take the initiative to terminate your engagement, I will always take care of your mother and son."

Ye Xingbei smiles and doesn't speak.

She can only say I hope so.

Things like love, such as morning breeze and morning dew, come and go without trace.

Gu Junzhu now said so sure, but he has not met the fate of the people just.

One day, when he meets someone he really likes and wants to marry, she and the tree can only make way for his sweetheart.

Gu Junzhu is an extremely intelligent man.

Ye Xingbei just a smile, he knew what ye Xingbei was thinking.

Ye Xingbei's voice was a little ironic and a little self mocking, just like the tip of a cat's tail, scratching Gu Junzhu's heart.

Gu Jun by heart read a move, over the little guy son, lying on the leaf Star North body.

“……” Ye Xing pushed him to the north and whispered: "Gu Junzhu, are you crazy? Go away. We agreed that we were just pretending to be husband and wife. I don't fulfill my duties as husband and wife! "

Gu Junzhu took a bite on her finger and said, "honey, make a little louder and wake up the sapling to let him know that I'm just his fake father..."

"No, children die at night. They don't wake up when they are asleep and thunder. They don't know when they are taken away..." Although Ye Xingbei said this in his mouth, he turned his head uneasily to look at the little guy.

"Oh?" Gu Junzhu raised his eyebrows and laughed: "can't you wake up in thunder? So if I want to do something that is not suitable for children, I don't need to take care of him? "

“……” Ye Xingbei's hands pushed back his chest and roared: "Gu Junzhu, don't be ridiculous! You make me turn over again! I'm so upset

Gu Jun chuckled, curled up a wisp of hair on her cheek and played with her fingers: "what do you think about your brother?"

Ye Xingbei

Do you have to talk about such a serious topic with her in such an ambiguous posture?

Don't think he pretends to be serious. She doesn't know what's poking at the root of her thigh at the moment!

How hungry and thirsty is the man? When he lies down on her, he will react immediately.

That size

It's no wonder that after he slept that day, she felt pain all over her body. She walked for more than two days, and there was something wrong with her!

Gu Junzhu touched her face, "what do you think? A look of spring? "

“……” Ye Xingbei thought of what he was just thinking. His blushing face was as hot as another fire. It was burning even worse!

What was she thinking just now?!

She was thinking about the size of this man.

She is really Ye Xing covers his face in the north and is ashamed.

Gu junzhutut, pinched her face: "I want to talk to you about business, but you want me to sleep like you. Even if the children are really thundering, they can't wake up. You are more reserved!"

Ye Xingbei Go to hell

Ye Xingbei became angry and beat him hard.

Gu Junzhu seized her fist and said with a low smile, "I'm serious with you! Have you thought about it? Do you want to meet your brother? Let me tell you, your father-in-law is a famous family in the capital. Your two brothers are both famous rich families and noble sons in the capital Not bad... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!