You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 502

Hurt her can, but can not hurt the people she attaches importance to, this is her bottom line.

What's more, Shi Xi's shadow Ling abused Yu Nuo. Originally, Ling abused her.

After a long time, Gu Jun patted her back: "better?"

Ye Xingbei nodded: "well, much better."

Gu Junzhu said: "go to eat something?"

Ye Xingbei looked up at him: "you haven't eaten yet?"

Gu Jun nodded: "together."

Two people on Gu Jun Zhuo's car, ye Xingbei's car naturally someone help to drive back.

On the bus, ye Xingbei looked at Gu Junzhu: "why didn't you eat? Was it Joey who got angry? "

Gu Junzhu snorted, "I will be angry for a pig?"

Ye Xingbei is very happy: "you are the representative of integrity! Clearly concerned about others, but not willing to admit, if not still thinking about her in the heart, why do you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to help her out? "

"Don't be so ignorant," Gu Junzhu said, "the only person I can miss is my wife. I miss other women. Aren't you jealous?"

"Bah," yexingbei spat at him: "there is not a word of truth. Those people outside still say you are cold! They must be blind. "

"No, no, no!" Gu five Ye stretched out a good-looking finger to shake, "I'm always cold outside, but I can't help playing sulfur hooligan when I see you, so I love playing sulfur hooligan with you. It's definitely not my fault, but your fault."

Ye Xingbei Go away

Gu Junzhu rubbed her head with a smile and didn't speak any more.

After a while, ye Xingbei couldn't help asking, "can you really accompany me to country y?"

"Of course," Gu Jun looked at her askew: "have I ever talked to you? So suspicious of me? "

"No, it's just..." Ye Xingbei can't find the right language to describe it.

It's the first time that someone has helped her to get ahead.

It's like children who can't fight with their parents.

It's warm. I feel dependent.

She had never felt like this before.

No matter how well ye Xingli treats her, she always keeps in mind her identity as a follower. She works hard to earn money and repay Ye Xingli's kindness. She never dares to add any trouble to Ye Xingli.

Ye Xinglan, not to mention that she was afraid of Ye Xinglan as a tiger.

In the past, she held back her grievances. How could someone go all the way to come out for her like now.

At this moment, Gu Wuye's image in her mind is as big as Altman who beat the little monster.

"Don't be too moved," Gu Jun flicked her face and said to her ear, "if you can't control your emotion, just repay me with some new tricks in the evening. For example, we can try the transparent dress of maid..."

Ye Xingbei


Now nothing moved!

She tilted her head and bit on Gu Junzhu's face. "Since you don't want to be shameless, I'll help you bite off your face!"

Gu Jun chuckled and touched the place where she had bitten him. "It's a bit numb. I feel like an electric shock. It must be the close contact between us that sparks love."

Ye Xingbei

She's not sad at all now.


Two people didn't go home, Gu Jun Zhuo took Ye Xing North to a club.

The environment of the club is quiet and elegant. There are not many guests. Heavy curtains are drawn during the day. The light is light orange. It's dark but warm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!