You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 501

Ye Xingbei was surprised and looked at him askew: "go to country y?"

Gu Jun nodded, "this is not a matter of course, as for so surprised?"

"So far Do you have time? " Ye Xingbei asked: "there are also Xiaoshu and Xiaoyue..."

"Time can always be squeezed out," Gu Junzhu said, "Xiaoshu and Xiaoyue will certainly go with us. They are both Xueba. They are only in the third grade of primary school. It doesn't matter if they don't go to school for a day. It's better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books. It's only good for them to take them out and have a look."

He pause, hook lips, smile suddenly and soft a little bit: "know can go on a journey with us two, the young tree must be happy crazy."

Thinking of xiaobaozi embracing his neck and cheering "Dad is the most powerful", Gu Junzhu's lips rose a bit.

"What about Qiao Zui and Fang Yao?" Ye Xingbei asked: "Gu asked you to stare at them for rehabilitation. Besides, Qiao was drunk and cared about his body. Without your gaze, he always ate things he shouldn't eat, which was not good for his arm rehabilitation."

"It's just better to take them together. Two free thugs," Gu Junzhu said. "Although both of them were injured, it's the same as playing with ordinary cats and dogs."

Ye Xingbei Well, it won't delay your business

"Of course, it won't delay," Gu Jun hugged her one by one and gave her a kiss: "helping my wife revenge is my top priority now! OK? Am I much better than that cold-blooded guy of Ye Xinglan? "

Ye Xingbei pushed him away with tears and laughter, "how can you be so naive?"

Gu Jun rubbed her head one by one: "I'm not pretending to sell crazy, Bo Hongyan smile? Don't you think you're laughing? "

Leaf Star North heart read a move, can't help looking up at him.

In front of the man, skin flawless, looks like jade, beautiful as God arrived.

There was no seriousness in his mouth, but the concern in his eyes could not deceive people.

Ye Xingbei's heart is suddenly very warm.

This is really a wonderful man.

In short, this man has done his duty as a husband.

Although she had never been married and had never seen her husband in other families, she always felt that no one could do better than him.

She could not help but nestle in his arms, put her arms around his neck, and put her cheek on his shoulder.

The cool body blown by the sea breeze was warmed, along with the warm, and her heart cold by the leaf star appendix.

Feeling the soft body in his arms, Gu Jun's heart is also soft.

Just saw her stand alone by the sea, blowing the sea breeze, thin and slender body as if at any time will take the wind back like, his heart like a needle, thin and dense pain.

He came forward, put her body in his arms, a painful some floating heart was stable.

Two people held together for a long time, ye Xingbei's mood finally calmed down.

Ye Xinglan is eccentric. It's not a day or two. She should have been used to it.

In the past, when she was in Y country, she always let Shi Xiying and Shi Xiling.

It's natural to be used to it, and ye Xinglan has long been used to it.

It's just that Shi Xiying was aimed at her before, and she could tolerate it.

This time, Shi Xiying hurt Yu Nuo. She didn't want to bear it any more.

Don't say that now she is not the poor girl who was accepted by the Ye family. Even if she was punished by Ye Xinglan, she must revenge for rain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!