You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 492

Her grandfather said that Zhang Jia is a fire pit, so she should not jump.

But she was blinded by her so-called love and jumped in without hesitation.

She wasted the best time of more than three years on the mother and son.

She was wrong.

She regretted it.

She wants to see her grandfather.

She wanted to tell her grandfather that he was right and that she was blind.

She knew that she was wrong. She changed her mind. After that, she would listen to her grandfather and little uncle. She only asked them to forgive her.

Ye Xingbei saw her crying pitifully, sighed silently, walked over and helped her up from the ground.

Joey hugged her and cried, as if to release all the grievances she had suffered in Zhangjia in recent years.

Ye Xingbei gently patted her on the back and said to Gu Chi, "call the police."

Although it's not enough for mother-in-law to give birth control pills to her daughter-in-law, she still wants to sue this vicious woman and make her pay the price.

Mother Zhang doesn't know the law.

She thought it was not illegal for her daughter-in-law to take contraceptives secretly, but she was also afraid that what she knew was wrong.

She didn't want to deal with the police and was even more afraid of being caught in prison.

Hearing Ye Xingbei say that she wants to call the police, she shivers all over. She rushes to Zhang Heyuan and grabs Zhang Heyuan's clothes. "Ah yuan, please advise your wife not to call the police. You can't call the police! This is our private affair. How can we call the police! Try to persuade her, try to persuade her

"Ma!" Zhang Heyuan looked at her painfully: "you tell me, why do you want to give Yi to take contraceptives? Don't you really want to have grandchildren? How can Yiyi give you a grandson when you give Yiyi the contraceptive

"I I... " Mother Zhang's eyes dodged and hesitated.

"Is that hard to understand?" Ye Xingbei looked at Zhang's mother with disdain and said: "she is abnormal and can't see her daughter-in-law's life is good. If she takes the contraceptive for Yi Yi, Yi Yi can't give birth to a child, so she can use it as an excuse to blame Yi Yi. Yi Yi is infertile, and she is eager to have a child. Yi Yi will feel that she owes you and tolerate you again and again."

Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "I've seen a lot of wicked grannies, but it's the first time I've seen a grannies who are so vicious that even their own sons are calculating together! We Yiyi were blind before we married to your family, but now, Zhang Heyuan, you and Yiyi are already in line. Sign the divorce certificate immediately, and then marry a wife. Take care of your mother, and don't let her harm the girls of good families any more! "

Looking at the weeping Joey, Zhang Heyuan feels that his world has collapsed.

I didn't expect the truth of Joey's infertility to be like this.

He thought that even if he had no choice but to sign the divorce agreement today, he would coax Joey after Joey's anger subsided. With Joey's love for him, Joey would remarry with him.

Are there many couples who remarry after divorce?

But reality hit him hard.

He never dreamed that his mother would do such a crazy thing.

Think of all the grievances that Joey has suffered in his family over the years because of infertility, and the pain that he's suffering from.

His mother did such a crazy thing, and he became an accomplice. He took care of the surrogate woman with his mother and let the woman give birth to a daughter.

But God knows, why is he?

His wife is not unable to give birth, but by his mother secretly fed contraceptives! , the fastest update of the webnovel!