You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 491

"Old aunt, look what it is Gu Chi threw the contraceptive to the bodyguard, took out his mobile phone and pointed to the opposite wall: "old aunt, you have to look carefully."

The mobile phone is projected on the snow-white wall, and a video begins to play.

A woman, wearing a mask and hat, went to the counter of the drugstore.

After a few words with the salesman, he brought her three boxes of contraceptives.

After paying, she turned and left.

Although the woman in the video is wearing a mask and hat, we can still see from her figure that the woman in the video is Zhang Mu.

Zhang Heyuan couldn't accept this fact. He became black in front of his eyes and shook his body. It was so easy for him to keep his pace.

His lips moved, his whole body trembled, and he finally yelled at his mother: "Mom! Why, Ma? Don't you always want to have grandchildren? Why do you give Yi the contraceptive secretly? How can Yiyi give you a grandson after taking contraceptives? Are you crazy? "

"No No Zhang's mother turned pale and shook her head, "that's not me, that's not me! It was the person they were looking for pretending to be me. They deliberately framed me! Son, you have to believe mom. Mom dreams of having grandchildren. How can she give Joey contraceptives? They framed my mother! "

"Auntie, since you don't admit it and keep saying that we framed you, let's call the police," Gu Chi said. "Since you didn't buy these contraceptives, there must be no fingerprints on the contraceptives. Let's call the police and let the police check whether there are fingerprints on the contraceptives!"

Gu Chi looked at her and said with a smile, "old aunt, do you know? It's against the law for you to prescribe medicine to our watch girl without her permission! After we call the police, the police come and investigate the matter clearly. You are going to jail! "

"No! That's bullshit Zhang's mother's face turned pale with fright: "what kind of method did I commit by taking contraceptives for my daughter-in-law? You..."

In the middle of the story, she suddenly shut up, but it was too late.

The onlookers listened to her own admission, and there was no doubt about it.

"Is the old witch crazy? Give oneself daughter-in-law to eat contraceptive, still disrelish daughter-in-law cannot have a child? "

"Old witch, how vicious!"

"That girl is warm and soft. She's been suffering from blood mildew for eight generations. She met this kind of abnormal mother-in-law."

Listening to the comments around, Zhang's mother was colorless.

She shook her head desperately: "I didn't, I didn't! They framed me. I didn't give her contraceptives! "

Some onlookers were angry, but they spat on her face: "don't you think so many of us are stupid? You just admitted it yourself, and now you want to turn it back? It's too late

Zhang Heyuan was black in front of his eyes and was about to fall.

He couldn't accept the fact at all. He looked at his mother with an incredible face and asked in a trembling voice, "Mom, why is that, mom?"

In the past few years, Joey ran to the hospital, suffered ridicule, took all kinds of prescriptions and medicines for infertility. His legs softened and he fell to the ground.

Joey slumped on the floor, crying out of breath.

She was wrong.

She was really wrong.

At the beginning, she admonished her that if she didn't eat the old man's words, she would suffer in front of her.

Her grandfather also said that he had crossed more bridges than she had. At a glance, we could see that Zhang Heyuan's mother was a selfish and vicious woman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!