You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 489

More and more people were watching.

Joey wants to leave, but he doesn't want to give up the chance to divorce Zhang Heyuan.

She's in front of the divorce window. Four or five more people will be in her turn.

She knew that it was intentional.

Deliberately make trouble, let her feel shame, leave from here, she can't and Zhang Heyuan divorce.

She really doesn't know what mother Zhang thinks.

When she and Zhang Heyuan were in love, Zhang's mother was very angry and mocked that she had no face and no fun. She flirted with men every day, and she couldn't live without men.

Now she wants to divorce Zhang Heyuan as she wishes, and she refuses to do so again.

Mother Zhang knew that Joey had a thin face and a good face. She thought that as long as she was in trouble, Joey would leave.

As long as Joey leaves the Civil Affairs Bureau, there's no way to divorce her son.

She did not expect that Joey blushed with shame, but refused to leave here.

She cried even louder, regardless of Zhang Heyuan's obstruction, repeatedly kowtowed to Joey: "Yiyi, you can spare this silly old woman! Mom, please. It's all mom's fault. Mom takes her child back to her hometown in the countryside. No matter it's mom or child, you don't need to live with a yuan. You just have to live with a yuan! Mom, please

Finally, some of the onlookers couldn't see it. They hid in the crowd and yelled at Joey: "Hey, you're almost OK. Do you have to force the old man to death? How to say again, she is also your mother. When your mother kneels and kowtows, aren't you afraid of losing your life? "

Some people "roar when they see the injustice", which immediately causes the harmony around them.

Seeing that someone supported her and accused Joey, Zhang's mother was elated, but she cried more miserably and kowtowed harder.

Just as Joey could hardly hold up the accusations flying in all directions, there was a sudden scratch outside the crowd.

Gu Chi leads two bodyguards to open a channel.

Gu Jun goes to Zhang's mother's back gracefully.

He wore a pair of oversized sunglasses on his face, which covered most of his gorgeous face.

Even so, his noble temperament and beautiful appearance exposed outside the sunglasses still shocked the onlookers.

He stood behind his mother Zhang and looked at Joey. His lips tilted slightly. His gorgeous voice was like the best blue velvet. He was sexy and graceful: "stand firm, she kowtows to you. She should kowtow as much as she can!"

Someone in the crowd said, "how can this man talk like this?"

"Yes! It's very good-looking. How can it be so excessive? "

"The dandy of a rich family? Look at that style. It's a young master of a rich family. "

"Shh! Do you still talk nonsense when you know that they are rich young masters? shut up! The curse comes from the mouth

People around him are talking about it, but Gu Junzhu is not affected at all.

He still looked at Joey. "Do you know why she should kowtow you so much?"

"Little Little uncle Joey called "little uncle" in a trembling voice, raised his hand to cover his mouth and burst into tears.

A moment later, she seemed to be a wronged child. When she saw her parents, she couldn't control herself any more. She ran towards Gu Jun quickly, opened her arms and wanted to rush into Gu Jun's arms.

Gu Jun frowned.

Gucci comes forward and reaches out to stop Joey.

Joey stopped, his body trembling, his lips moving back and forth, and tears pouring down, "I'm sorry, little uncle I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong, Uncle I'm sorry... "

Her knees softened and she knelt down at Gu Junzhu's feet.


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