You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 488

She just wanted to keep Joey from having children all her life, so that she could grasp Joey's weakness and hold him so that Joey would not be able to hold up his head in their house and be a cow and horse for her and her son all her life.

That's all she wanted to do.

She didn't understand why things got out of control.

Joey loves her son so much that she is willing to break off the relationship with her family. She thinks she won't have children when she's gone. How dare she divorce her son?

She chased her son. First, she followed her son to get the Hukou book at home, and then followed her son to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The closer she was to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the more frightened she was.

Will her son and Joey really divorce?

Do their families really want to give Joey 80 percent of their property?

Her son started his own business when he was in University. After graduation, the company was gradually on the right track. Although he made some money in a few years, he was not rich.

How much more do they have left when they're 80 percent taken by Joey?


No divorce!

You can't divorce her son and Joey!

Her son loves Joey. If her son loses Joey because of her calculation, her son will hate her, and Joey will take her son's money.

If that's the result, her plan will not only fail, but she will steal the chicken!

You can't divorce them!


She ran into the Civil Affairs Bureau after Zhang Heyuan. When she saw Joey, she went over Zhang Heyuan and ran to Joey. "Putong" knelt down at Joey's feet and burst into tears: "Joey, it's mom's fault. Mom, please, don't divorce a yuan!"

"It's all my mother's idea to have a baby for a yuan. It has nothing to do with a yuan. A yuan doesn't know. She's nearly 60 years old. You can't have a baby after marrying a yuan for so many years. My mother is too anxious to steal a yuan's semen to make a test tube baby. I made all these things, and it has nothing to do with a yuan!"

She grabbed Joey's clothes and pleaded with tears on her face: "Yi Yi, I beg you, don't divorce a yuan! A yuan loves you. You've been married to a yuan for so many years without having children. A yuan has never said anything, and he has never thought of divorcing you. How can you divorce a yuan for such a small matter? "

"It's all mom's fault about the child. Mom knows it's wrong. You give mom a chance. Mom will take the child back to her hometown. Mom will raise the child herself, and promise not to let you and a yuan manage it."

"Please, Yiyi, mom is old and confused. Please forgive me, mom kowtows to you!"

At this time, it was the rush hour, and the Civil Affairs Bureau was full of people.

She cried bitterly, a mother, a big age kneeling at the feet of a young man kowtow, immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Many people look around, and some even come to watch curiously.

Joey was shy and angry. He stepped back and glared angrily at Zhang Heyuan: "Zhang Heyuan, do you want to be shameless?"

Zhang Heyuan, blushing with shame, stooped to drag his mother: "Mom, stop it. There are so many people here. It's a shame. Mom, get up quickly!"

"I won't get up. If Yi doesn't forgive me, I won't get up!" Zhang's mother wailed: "it's my fault. It's all my fault. You and your wife have such a good relationship. You love each other because I'm an immortal. I've ruined your relationship and let your wife divorce you. I'm an old fool. It's better to die. If I die, I won't give you any trouble!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!