You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 485

The more he said, the more angry he was. He slapped Zhang Heyuan in the face and said in a trembling voice, "Zhang Heyuan, do you know? My family knew who you were three years ago! My family said, your mother is your commander, is your supreme master, you have no brain, everything listen to your mother, say good point is filial piety, say hard point you are ma Baonan! A man like you should never marry and live with your mother all his life! "

Zhang Heyuan covered his face, only felt black in front of his eyes, blood gas in his chest churned violently, and almost vomited blood.

He didn't understand how things suddenly became like this.

It's all fine a few days ago.

It's just a few days. Joey is just like a different person. He is determined to divorce him mercilessly.

He looked at Joey and Fu Jinyang: "Yi, you Are you with Fu Jinyang? "

So, always gentle and docile Joey, will suddenly change a person, so strong.

Joey tilted his head and sneered, then looked back at him sarcastically: "Zhang Heyuan, don't say I have nothing to do with Fu Jinyang, even if I'm with Fu Jinyang, what? You and other women even have children. What qualifications do you have to question me? "

"No..." Zhang Heyuan shook his head subconsciously, "this is not my child..."

Joy laughed, his eyes cold and sarcastic: "Zhang Heyuan, do you want to do paternity test? The child is there. One hair can tell who her father is. Dare you

Zhang Heyuan's lips moved and his face turned pale.

A moment later, he gritted his teeth. "Yes, this child is mine, but it's not my intention! My mother took advantage of my physical examination and asked the doctor to take my sperm seeds to make test tube babies. I didn't know, Yi Yi... "

He looked at Joey pleadingly: "Joey, you believe me, I just know it recently! Yi Yi, you can't be pregnant. Isn't it good to have someone give us a baby? This child will be recorded in our name, called my father, called your mother, although she and you have no blood relationship, but as long as you raise her up, you are her mother, she will love you

Joy looked at Zhang Heyuan's familiar and strange face and felt sick.

She didn't understand what she had been blinded by when she married such a disgusting man.

She tried to resist the feeling of vomiting and waved her hand: "don't say it, Zhang Heyuan. You're disgusting. If you say it again, I'm going to vomit! Divorce! I'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and wait for you. If you don't go, you'll be ruined! "

After that, she didn't want to stay for a second and turned to leave.

"Miss Joe, wait for me!" Fu Jinyang went after him step by step.

Qiao drunk coldly glanced at Zhang Heyuan and left the ward.

"If you don't want to die ugly, don't waste our time." Ye Xingbei takes the black card in his hand and shakes it in front of Zhang Heyuan's eyes. He leaves with a scornful glance and goes away.

Zhang Mu Qi chased a few steps, scolded: "a group of robbers! Go out to be hit by a car, thunder to be killed by God! A bunch of rotten things

"That's enough, Ma, stop it!" Zhang Heyuan's voice trembled, dizzy, and his body shook uncontrollably.

Startled, Zhang's mother quickly stepped forward and held him: "you child, what do you think they have done to you? I said to report to the police, but you still stopped me. They... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!