You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 484

"Well, you don't have to be told, I'll tell you!" Joey looked at him coldly and said, "Zhang Heyuan, I want to divorce you. Leave now! If you delay for one day, I'll ask for 10% more of your property. If you delay for two days, I'll ask for 20% more. If you delay for five days, I'll let you get out of the house! "

"You think so well!" Zhang's mother exploded, furious, pointed to Joey's nose and scolded: "you're a hen who doesn't lay eggs. You've wasted so much food in our family. You haven't laid any eggs. Do you still want to share my son's property? You are the one who should be clean! If you want a divorce, you can get out of here alone. You can't get any money from my son! "

The whole body of Qiao Yi spirit shivers, is about to say what, leaf Star North extends an arm to stop her.

She stretched out her hand toward the back. Snow bent down respectfully and showed her a business card with both hands.

Ye Xingbei handed his business card to Zhang Heyuan: "let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Xingbei, the eldest miss of the Ye family, and the director of Xinggong. If you agree to divorce Joey today, you are the wrong party. We Joey want to share 80% of your property. If you don't agree, we Joey can do nothing, but I promise you that Zhang Heyuan will I'm in debt, I have nothing

Ye Xingbei's voice is as sweet as honey, but what he says makes Zhang Heyuan's hair stand on end.

Ye Xingbei takes out the two black cards that Gu Junzhu gave her last night, fiddles with them between his fingers and looks contemptuously at Zhang Heyuan: "to tell you the truth, we really don't like the property of our family and your family, but we just don't want to take advantage of you scum men. When we get the property, we will donate it to the animal protection association, and we won't leave you scum!"

"Well said!" Fu Jinyang applauded and applauded.

Zhang Heyuan's face turned blue and white. At last, he could only look at Joey with a pleading face: "Yiyi, please, give me some time. Let's have a chat alone. I have difficulties. I beg you to give me some time to explain!"

He is also a person in the shopping mall. He has seen the black card in Ye Xingbei's hand.

That kind of black card, the global circulation is only dozens, but ye Xingbei has two.

A man with that kind of black card in his hand is not one he can afford.

The little girl's threatening words were not just threats, but she could do it.

He didn't know how Joey knew such a powerful little girl, and why the little girl said "we Joey" one at a time. He only knew that if he didn't deal with today's affairs properly, he would be finished.

He will lose his beloved wife and his long-standing career.

But it's not his fault at all!

"I won't talk to you alone any more," Joey said with a cold face. "Everything can be said to people. If you have something to say, just say it here. If you don't have anything to say, just go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with me Zhang Heyuan, don't waste each other's time, we two It's over

"No! Yi Yi, listen to me. I love you. I can't divorce you! " Zhang Heyuan stepped forward and tried to grab Joey's arm.

Joey dodged, raised his hand and slapped him in the face: "Zhang Heyuan, don't disgust me! Love is not just talking about it. We have been together for more than three years. Apart from saying that you love me and love me, what have you done for me? What did you do when your mother made trouble for me? What did you do when your mother accused me of insulting? What did you do when your mother forced me to drink those messy drugs? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!