You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 468

"Well, that's a good idea!" Qiao drunk Chong Gu Jun by thumbs up: "little uncle is little uncle, hit the nail on the head, a word to the point, admire!"

Based on his understanding of Fang Yao, Fang Yao will definitely be interested in this matter.

He is now confused, is lost the direction of life.

When he finds something he is interested in, he will come back naturally.

Do what you say.

Qiao Zui asks Gu Junzhu for some of the procedures and models for the placement of veterans under Gu's banner. Gu Junzhu asks Gu Chi to send someone to fax him from the headquarters. Qiao Zui leaves contentedly with a lot of information.

When he came back to Gu's villa with a lot of information, Fang Yao was doing rehabilitation on his left side.

There are three buildings in Gu's villa.

The main building in the middle, the bodyguard building on the left rear and the servant building on the right rear.

The top floor of the bodyguard building is a training room with all kinds of training equipment.

After they came, Gu Junzhu specially asked someone to prepare a rehabilitation room for them.

The rehabilitation room is on the ground floor of the training room. It's also a whole floor. It's absolutely luxurious.

Although his little uncle was a little bit poisoned, he was actually quite good to him.

Uncle, uncle, and his father are almost the same Well, it's just a little too young!

Fang Yao was more concerned about injuries than he was, and he was more diligent in rehabilitation.

When he went in, Fang Yao was bared and in full swing.

As soon as he entered the door, he sat down on the blanket and called Fang Yao, "brother Yao, let me show you a good thing."

Fang Yao insisted on finishing the whole group of movements, then he wiped his sweat and went to Qiao Zui and sat down: "what is it?"

Qiao Zui gave Fang Yao the information in his hand, and told Fang Yao that he wanted to set up a company for veterans. "I have Qiao's family, but I don't have enough energy. You can do it, and I'll take part in it."

Fang Yao glared at him: "it seems that you are working hard for Qiao."

Joe drunk laugh, "I like this, the company really open up, you give me at ease?"

Fang Yao's face was expressionless: "don't worry."

"Isn't that the end?" Qiao Zui said: "your management ability is better than me, otherwise why are you the captain and I am not?"

It is clear that his individual combat ability is better than Fang Yao, but he is only a deputy.

Fang Yao said, "that's because you are lazy and don't want to go away."

If Joe gets serious, his ability is definitely above him.

Although he is the captain of the team, it is Qiao Zui who gives advice every time he goes on a mission. However, Qiao Zui is lazy and doesn't like to worry about trifles. He is lazy as Qiao Zui. Even if he is smart enough to become Zhuge Liang, he can't be the captain.

"No one is perfect!" Joe just lay down on the blanket and cocked his legs. "I've been lazy since my mother's belly. That's all my life."

Fang Yao looked through the materials and read every word very carefully.

After a long time, he said, "it can be done."

Joe almost fell asleep drunk, listen to what he said, reluctantly open one side of the eyelids to see him: "ah?"

Fang Yao whispered, "ah Zui Thank you

He knew why Qiao Zui, a lazy man who can lie down and never sit, and who can sit and never stand, went to Gu Junzhu's company to get these things.

It's all about him.

He thought that he would hide his inner pain and confusion very well, but how could he hide the fact that he lived with him day and night and fought back to back for so long?

He really thinks Joe's drunk advice is good.

He was born in a rich family. When his mother died, she left him a lot of money that could not be spent in his whole life. He was discharged from the army because of his injury. What about those comrades in arms who came from poor families and had nothing? , the fastest update of the webnovel!