You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 467

"What do I like to care about?" "I like my uncle and I won't let him stay," Joe said

"That's right," Gu Chi said with a smile as he took him to Gu Junzhu's office. "Qiao is still waiting for you to take charge of the overall situation. Your company can't always be taken care of by a professional manager?"

"Why not?" Joe drunk looked around and said carelessly, "I'm just going to let the professional manager take care of it all the time. What's the problem?"

"There's no big problem," Gu Chi said to him. "But how can a professional manager match you? If you take care of it yourself, I'm sure you'll be able to go a step further. "

"Young man, he is more and more talkative and has a bright future!" Qiao Zui patted Gu Chi on the shoulder, "but Qiao Shi is so good now. I have money without work. Why should I go back to Qiao Shi to be a cow and a horse? I've worked hard for more than 20 years. It's so easy for me to be a dandy. Is it easy for me? I plan to concentrate on eating, drinking and playing for a few years, bubble girl, find a beautiful wife like my little aunt, and do other things when I have enough fun. "

Gu Chi

He wanted to say that they all said uncle Xiao, their nephew, but the young master of their watch was nothing like the young master of their family.

The young master of their family is more active and progressive.

The young master of their watch is a dandy who has been delayed by the army!

When Gu Junzhu's office arrived, Gu Chi knocked on the door and went in: "young master, young master is here."

"Well," Gu Junzhu was looking down and criticizing the documents, but he didn't lift his head. "Just let him in, and wait for me to invite him?"

Joe drunk walked over and sat down opposite him. "Uncle, you are still so unlovable. You will have no friends like this. Do you know that?"

"I just need to be handsome. I don't need to be cute," Gu signed on the last document. "What do you want a friend to do? Don't you know that a mature man can have a wife? "

Joe is drunk

Talking to his little uncle is self abuse.

He doesn't talk, he says business!

"Little uncle!" Joe drunk serious face: "I am sincere to ask you."

Gu Junzhu threw away his pen and looked up at him

Joe was drunk and scratched his chin. "It's our captain. Although he doesn't talk about it, I don't think he's interested in anything. I'm very worried about him. I want to help him find something to do, but he's not interested in making money, and he's not interested in picking up girls, and he's not interested in anything. He's half dead all day. I've thought about every move, but he's not interested in anything You can help me find a way to improve. "

Gu Jun beat the table with his fingers and pondered a little, "his heart is in the ideal, which can let him do something related to his ideal."

"His ideal is to protect his family and defend his country," Qiao Zui moved his stiff right arm and made a self mocking smile. "We two, one arm can't do it, the other leg can't do it. Together, we are a couple. What else can we do to protect our family and defend our country?"

"It's hard for many veterans to find jobs because they have little contact with the outside world and are out of touch with the society, especially for those who leave because of injuries like you and Fang Yao. If you can open a company that can provide employment opportunities for veterans, he will be interested in it."

"Gu's company also has such companies, which give priority to the employment of veterans, but there are so many veterans every year, and some veterans who retired many years ago, so far have no fixed jobs and are struggling to make a living. If you open a company, you can solve the difficult problem of employment for them. I think Fang Yao would be very willing to." , the fastest update of the webnovel!